Before we start, there's some shit i need to say. I looked, but I couldn't find the cousin's name. So Supernatural reference it is. Bless all you fruity pebbles that get it. 

Also, I 4got to translate last chapter; 1)What was that, my dear? 2)Are you two dating? 

Anyways, that's all, sO ON WITH THE STORY!!

Hammie's P.O.V

School was the best it had ever been. I already had four new friends! As five year old as that sounds, it actually means a lot to me.  

Laurens, Mulligan, and Laf were in all of my classes except two, English and homeroom. We all had political science, along with Burr.

John was majoring in political science, like me, but had said that he wanted to be a marine biologist. Apparently he couldn't because his father was a big-time lawyer who needed an 'heir'. Lafayette was also majoring in political science, and Herc was studying to be a fashion designer. I was very surprised when I heard that, he was so built up, that I had a hard time imagining him with a delicate needle and thread.

The teacher for political science was wonderful. His name was George Washington, and was supposed to be one of the best teachers on campus. His wife, Martha Washington, taught English, my second major. Laf's favorite teacher was the French teacher, who always gave him straight A's because he was fluent in the language. Hercules' favorite teacher was Miss Ross, who just so happened to be the teacher of his major.

 Now I was walking home. Well, not home, more like the place I sleep. My cousin, Alistair, isn't the best guardian. When my mother died, I came to America to live with him and accept the fund that I'd been granted so I could go to school at Kings Academy. All he does is watch porn all day, but it could be worse. He gives me money for essentials and such, but a parental figure would have been nice, you know?

When I get to the house, I can't help but wonder how he pays the bill. It's not much, just a 1 story house with 3 bedrooms, no garden, and a small kitchen, but you don't get money for watching porn.

Our side as I dug through my sky blue backpack, searching for the key. when I finally found it in the smallest pocket and unlocked the door, I stepped into the kitchen, calling to Alister. I heard the TV turn down in the living room.

"Alex, get me some popcorn." He yelled. I shook my head. Popcorn? Really? And no 'hello, how was your day?'. Just, 'get me popcorn.'


The last word scared me. The calmer his voice was, the angrier he was. He's hit me pretty hard before, and I don't want to relive that.

I set my bag down next to the table, and got a popcorn packet out of the brown cupboard that's mounted on the wall above the counter. I ripped off the packaging and put it in the microwave, pushing the popcorn button.

As I listened to the popping, my drifted to a certain curly haired boy and his loud group of. friends. It was amazing how we got along so quickly. I learned that they had known each other since diapers and aren't really close to anyone outside of the three. The only exceptions were Peggy Schuyler, who was lesbian and the funniest person in the world besides Laf, and Burr. Well, kind of Burr.

I also learned who to avoid. Thomas Jefferson, ' King' George, Charles Lee, and his boyfriend Samuel Seabury.

Jefferson turned out to be the guy in magenta who I had seen flirting with a boy that I later found out was named James Madison, a real smart and popular kid. George was the principal. He wasn't a real good one, but he pretty much had complete control over the school. Lee and Seabury ran the student affairs column in the student's newspaper. Get on their bad side, and your reputation is screwed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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