Episode 9 "The Right Thing"

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That night, everyone sat in the living room of the house. Britney, Laurie, Saran, and Robby on one couch. Antonio, Jake, Zack, and Gage on the other. Paula sat on Gage's lap. Avery and Peyton sat in the love seat. Mia and the new girl, Samantha even joined, sitting on the arms of the couch.
"Well we're here, what exactly did you want to talk about" asked Gage.

"Yeah, okay, so, about, Gretchen" says Britney as she looks at Saran.
"We saw her, point a gun at Laurie earlier, what happened" asked Avery.
"I, slapped her, for talking to mis the way she did" says Laurie. Paula and Samantha looked at Mia.
"Look, I'm not gonna say she didn't deserve it, she balmed us for, Hayden" says Mia.

"Hayden's death, was no body's fault, Gretchen she, just lost it, overreacted" says Paula.
"Maybe so, but, she's hiding something, her and those few men she came with, they know something" says Laurie.
"Exactly, Zack heard her a while ago, she wants to know more about that helicopter crash" says Britney.
"Why, there was nothing there but money, and the map of here" says Jake.
"Money" asks Samantha.

"Yeah. Samantha right, why" asks Jake.
"Yeah, when I got here, and got checked out, I heard her talking about money, to you" says Samantha as she looks at Paula. Everyone looked at Paula, confused.
"Paula" asks Gage. She looked at the ground, remaining quite.
"Paula, what were you two talking about" asked Saran.

Paula looked at Gage, then everyone else.
"Okay look, before you all got here, right after Wilmington was, established. I got here, and Gretchen, told me her plan" says Paula.
"Which is what" asks Robby.
"In the beginning, people were supposed to come, pay for their presence in Wilmington. Money would go to the higher hand, help secure Wilmington even more" says Paula.
"What even, money won't do anyone help now a days" says Antonio.

"I know, but that was the initial plan" says Paula.
"But we came, and the money never did, so" says Laurie.
"So the leader of the, bigger base, that the money goes to, is coming in a couple days, and they are planning to, exile you" says Paula.
"Exile, like, kick us out" asks Avery.
"Yes" says Paula.

"When were you gonna tell me this" asks Gage.
"I, couldn't, if Gretchen found out, I tried to talk her out of it, but, I only convinced her to let you stay" says Paula as she puts her hand on Gage's cheek.
"Shit, this is great" says Robby as he gets up and walks over to the window.
"We're not gonna let this happen, we can't" says Peyton.
"What can we do, a whole military base is coming, because of us" says Robby.

"No, not the whole base, just the leader, Jeremiah, and a few guards" says Paula.
"Then we fight them, were not gonna give this up that easily" says Laurie.
"Fight them, are you crazy, they are the reason Wilmington exists, we can't do that" says Mia.
"No, she's right, this goes for all of us, me, Avery, Peyton" says Samantha.
"Mom" asks Laurie.

Britney looked at her, then Saran.
"We will try to settle this, we won't leave, and if, Gretchen won't negotiate, then we'll fight" says Britney.
"Are you with us Paula" asks Jake.
"I shouldn't have said anything, I don't want anyone to get hurt. But, if it comes to us fighting, I will" says Paula.
"Good, now you said this, Jeremiah comes in a couple days, that gives us time to plan for the worse" says Jake.

"I'll keep you all updated if I hear anything else" says Zack.
"Wait wait, are we really gonna do this" asks Saran. Everyone looked at her.
"I just want this place to work, I'm not leaving, but, I don't want to lose anyone" says Saran.
"It won't come to that, I'll make sure of it" says Paula.

"We'll be okay" says Antonio as he holds Saran's hand.
"Okay, let's do it then" says Saran. Everyone then gets up and proceeds to leave for bed. Zack goes to Britney.
"We'll win, right" he asks.
"Yeah, we'll win, Gretchen will just have to agree to us staying, and I don't want to but, Wilmington is worth fighting for" says Britney.

"But is this, the right thing, are we doing the right thing" asks Zack.
"That's a good question" says Britney. Zack looked down, thinking the worse possible outcome, and headed upstairs to bed. Laurie went over to her mom, them being the only two left in the room.
"You know Gretchen won't agree to this, right" asks Laurie. Britney looks at her.
"Yeah I know, and it scares me, but, were not leaving" says Britney.

Tat following day... Everyone was doing their daily jobs as if nothing was wrong. Mia, Saran, and Laurie had a funeral for Hayden. No body of course but a cross in the ground. Gretchen attended, but said nothing. Afterwards, Mia and Saran dealt with a few eaters that showed up at the walls over night.

Paula and Zack sat in the garden, planting cucumbers and corn.
"So, how do you meet up with, everyone" asked Paula.
"They were all at a hospital, and, my dad and I went up, he was bit, and turned" says Zack. Paula looked at him.
"I'm, sorry" she says.
"It's okay, what about you, how'd you meet Gage" asks Zack.

"Oh, Gage and I knew each other in school, fell in love, and, been in love, ever since" says Paula.
"That's nice, good thing we found you" says Zack.
"No kidding, things, will definitely be different, after, all this" says Paula.
"I know, it scares me because I don't know what will happen if we have to leave" says Zack.
"You won't, I promise Zack" says Paula.

At the armory, Britney and Laurie were sorting out guns, keeping a few for themselves.
"Think we'll need them, like, just in case" asks Laurie.
"I hope not, I don't wanna fight" says Britney. Gretchen then enters the armory, walking up to them. Laurie and Briney stopped what they were doing, and looked at her.

She examined the guns, ammo, and scopes then looked at them.
"I wanted to, say I'm sorry about the other day, and, Britney if you don't mind, I would like to talk to Laurie alone" says Gretchen. Britney looked at Laurie, Laurie slightly nodded, and she walked outside.
"Alright, now, I wanted to let you know something about me" says Gretchen. Laurie tilted her head in confusion.
"Go on" she says.

"To start off you've got more balls than half the people here, no one would dare point a gun at me" says Gretchen.
"I'm not just anyone" says Laurie.
"That's what I mean, world went to shit a couple months ago, you're already hardened, used to it" says Gretchen.
"So what are you asking" asks Laurie as she leans against a table. Gretchen looks down, then back at her.
"I want you, to join me, join our cause, be on my side, with Wilmington" says Gretchen. Laurie considers for a moment, then looks Gretchen in the eyes.
"No" she says as she walks out.

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