Episode 12 "Community For All" Season Finale

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Gretchen bangs against the door, over and over yelling for them to come out. Everyone stood in silence over Zack's body.
"Come on, come out, FIGHT" shouts Gretchen.
"We can't let him turn" says Laurie as she pulls out her dagger. Britney reaches her hand out.

"Let me" says Britney. Laurie looked at her, a tear rolling down her cheek. She then gave her the dagger. Saran hugged Antonio as Britney stopped Zack from turning.
"I'm so sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen" says Gage as Paula holds his hand.

"It, wasn't your fault" says Saran as she wipes a tear from her eye. Gretchen goes to the window, seeing what she had done.
"You should've left, this is what happens when you mess with me" shouts Gretchen. Laurie then points her gun at Gretchen, and fires. Busting the window, and grazing her arm. Gretchen backed out of the way, holding her wound.

She then rushes off the porch, grabbing her walkie-talkie on the way.
"We, need to bury him" says Robby.
"We will, after, we finish this" says Britney. Laurie looks at her, and starts to grab every gun she can hold.
"Laurie, what are you doing" asks Jake.

"We're gonna end this, no negotiation. Gretchen wants a fights we'll give her a fight" says Laurie. Saran holds up her shotgun.
"She's right, I didn't want to fight, but, Zack. This is for him" says Saran. Robby, Mia, Paula, Gage, and Jake ready their guns. Antonio looks at her, and nods as he raises his sniper rifle. Samantha grabs a silver 22.

Britney looks at everyone. She then looks at Zack. He, didn't deserve this she thought.
"Promise me, that you all will be okay, no one else needs to die" says Britney.
"No one else will die, just Gretchen" says Laurie as she goes to the door. Antonio turns to Britney.
"We'll make it, we did back at the hospital, and we will now" he says.

Laurie opened the door, and everyone exits the house. Jake and Antonio quickly make it to their sniping positions. Gretchen was standing in front of the south gate, with three other men. People who lived here were heading inside their homes. Hiding from what was about to happen. Saran, Laurie, Britney's, and Robby all had blood from Zack on them still.

Gretchen and her men raise their guns as the group approaches. The group does the same as they get within a few feet from them. Gretchen holds up her walkie.
"What's your time" she asks.
"Pulling up behind you now" says Jeremiah as Gretchen turns, seeing the trucks pulling up. She proceeds to open the gate as about 30 or so men get of the truck.

"Shit, this is it, that's him" says Paula as a man, dressed in military clothing with a bullet proof vest, and automatic machine gun step out of a truck.
"Don't shoot unless you have too, please" says Mia. Antonio locked on Jeremiah's head from across the town. Jeremiah makes his way to Gretchen, where they share a kiss.
"You alright" asks Jeremiah as he looks at her wound.

"Just a scratch, it's fine" says Gretchen as she kisses him again. He then looks at the group.
"Well, well, well. We finally meet" says Jeremiah as he takes a few steps forward.
"We're not leaving" says Robby.
"Oh I beg to differ. You see, this place isn't free, not anymore" says Jeremiah.

"Anymore" asks Saran.
"Ok, you see, a couple friends of mine told me that they told you about how, Wilmington was for everyone, at one point" says Jeremiah. A man then brings Avery and Peyton out of a truck.
"Now, normally I would've sent them away just like you did, but, they wanna help, so, they earned their stay" says Jeremiah. They are then handed guns.

"So tell us, how do we, earn our stay. Especially after your little whore, killed a kid, our, friend" says Laurie as she tears up.
"You don't get to earn your stay. You will leave, end of story" says Jeremiah.
"We only let people in for free in the beginning to establish this place. After that, it became a privilege" says Gretchen.
"It's a right. We made it here, all of us. We have the right, to stay" says Saran. Gretchen chuckled and looked at Jeremiah.

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