003. Travel Log

173 11 82



//aka. If There Was Cops, Liria Would Be Screwed; a three hour travel blog//

Liria woke up at the early crack of dawn, crashed into the wall, and ended up packing maybe one too many beans on the convoluted journey to hell.

Despite the upcoming trail that would most likely lead to Liria's death, it was a beautiful day.

The sky is a strange aqua green like color, and the thing (Virus? Liria had a night to think about it and they really, really hope that's not a Virus. Because if they are paralyzed with fear instead of being able to run, then they'll be dead.) is no where to be seen. White clouds drift peacefully across the sky, and while Liria is sick of green, the surrounding trees almost make things normal again.

Liria heaved a sigh of relief as they briskly walked past the threshold, turning to look at the gouges in the wooden porch from yesterday. The scratch marks have left the area uneven and splinter infested, and Liria shuddered at the idea of those claws going through them.

Painful, that's what.

They don't intend to leave all too soon; the street has roughly fourteen houses total, and anything that can add to their little menagerie of items is worth it.

Looking back out onto the abandoned street, Liria hefted the baseball club in one shoulder, uneasily and gingerly trotting down the abandoned houses. None of them have any cars left, and it was entirely silent.


Liria licked their dried lips, before settling on exploring one of the houses that aren't boarded up. If they pretend this is like Pokemon, where breaking and entering gets you rewarded, then maybe it would remove some of the stress.


Liria is very good at fooling themselves, and this is no different.

* . * . *


Liria might have danced a bit in glee as they kicked down another door, immediately picking up the bat to poke around at the pantry.

This family didn't bother to take everything, probably because their van couldn't hold everything. There's still dried crackers!

A bit stale, yes, and the bread is definitely hard as brick and just as dusty, but anything beats beans and beans and even more beans.

Shoving the food into the backpack, Liria gleefully pulled out a Ritz Cracker, biting down on it and moaning gleefully.

They should have done this earlier. Three bets if they did, the food would have still been fresh and even better, although the beautiful, tasty, and very very flaky cracker is all but heaven in their mouth right now. They can't even taste the staleness, probably because nonstop pinto beans has all but numbed their mouth.

Good heavens.

They miss salt so much they can't even articulate it except for frankly inappropriate moaning. But hey, since nobody is watching, they can stuff themselves silly. It's not like weight really matters right now at the end of the world and all of that.

Liria turned around, excited at the prospect of other snacks. They will never, ever take confectionary items for granted ever again.

They freeze as they spot it.

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