Lingering Rose

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Title: Lingering Rose

Category: Games » Pokémon

Author: Maymist

Language: English, Rating: Rated: K+

Genre: Romance/Humor

Published: 07-26-13, Updated: 08-02-13

Chapters: 1, Words: 1,754

Chapter 1: Nya

{•*•*•Lingering Rose•*•*•}

It's been exactly a week since May has been without Manaphy. The brunette has been rather glum and not her usual self. She knew that it was going to take some time for her heart to fully recover but she did know for sure that the hurt would always be lurking in her heart forever. She would always miss Manaphy. . . Forever.

Words of encouragement always flooded her mind from her friends but the female coordinator always ignored their words. She always faked a smile and her laughs were forced. Her friends knew this and they decided to just give her time and to not even mention Manaphy's name.

Sometimes she could still sense Manaphy's presence but she would always tell herself that it was just her mind playing games with her. At certain times she wished she had never met "the prince of the sea", for the pain was just too real but. . . Being with Manaphy was one of the best experiences in her entire life and she thought she had never felt happier. She couldn't lie to herself and tell herself that she wished she never met Manaphy; however, the thoughts were always there...and they would never stop.

May and her companions were currently standing in the center of this tiny town's town square. It was quiet but offered beautiful scenery. There was tons of vibrant flowers planted everywhere and all of the buildings were crafted of tan-colored cement. The sun shined brightly and there was a decent amount of people roaming around.

The town they were in was just recently constructed and everything appeared to be new.

May thought this little town was cute and also thought that this town might lift her spirits somewhat.

However. . .

She knew that those thoughts were utterly pointless, because the pain of missing Manaphy couldn't so easily be taken away by a mere town...could it?


From afar, she saw a lake, and it instantly reminded her of Manaphy.

She frowned sadly and her friends saw.

"I'm going on a walk..." May stated quietly, trying to disguise the sadness in her voice, and she proceeded forward into this forest, totally ignoring the lake.

None of her friends protested and they all sighed simultaneously.

"Wow, May's sulking again..." Max proclaimed frowning and he fixed his glasses.

"She really misses Manaphy..." Ash mumbled with a frown and he looked downwards at the ground.

"Yeah. Hopefully she doesn't go too far or take too long..." Brock said staidly.

Little did they know, May's green-haired rival, Drew, had been watching the entire time.

Drew felt somewhat troubled that May's companions just let her go alone somewhere so easily and his blood began to boil.

He nonchalantly approached the three with one hand remaining in his right pocket and came to a halt once in front of them.

Puzzled, the three looked at Drew with wide eyes, and they blinked repeatedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2014 ⏰

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