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The next few days go by painfully slow. I just want it to be Monday already!! Molli and I agree to have a sleepover the day before, and we get up at five in the mornign and start blasting What Makes You Beautiful. Molli's mom even gets up and starts singing with us. James calls us douches and gets yelled at, much to Molli and I's content. We get a bag packed again and make sure our iPods are fully charged, and then by nine, we have everything ready and we're off. Again.

"So the signing's at five." says Molli in the car. "We should be there by about one, one thirty. That gives us a four hour jump." 

"This is going to be amazing!!!" I whisper, staring at a picture of Harry.

By the time we're there, there's a long line, of course, but we don't care because no matter what happens, we've got the wristbands and we are getting in. All the girls we meet on line are super nice, and we exchange some more Twitters and fangirl with them while we wait. We tell stories and have food fights and laugh and joke about how One Direction was never going to forget us and was going to fall in love with us the second they met us. "Louis will sweep me off my feet and make me his princess." says Molli. Louis was her favorite, naturally. "Harry will kiss me right on the spot." I say, fanning my face and imagining. 

At 5:21, when all of us are dying from waiting so long, someone's voice says on a microphone, "VAS HAPPENING NEW YORK!!!!!!!!!!" 

It's an English accent. I shoot up and scream, as loud as I possibly can. "ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Molli is up with me, and we're jumping like absolute lunatics. But then, so is everyone else.

"We're going to get this signing kicked off. ARE YOU READY!!!!!!" says Niall. "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Molli and I both say. Her mom smiles at us and crosses her arms. And then it begins. 

The fact that One Direction is breathing the same air as me and is so close sends me into a panic attack. I start shaking. "Molli, they're right there, ohmysweetjesus what am I going to say to them, what am I going to say to Harry, what if I sound like an idiot-"

"Shhh." says Molli. "You'll do perfect."

Each step closer we take to them, my heart is racing faster, my palms getting sweatier, my hands shaking more. The security guard cuts our wristbands off so we don't get in line again and sends us up. And then One Direction is right in front of me. We are pushed towards a table where they're signing the CDs. "Go, go!" says Molli, and it's my turn. I step up. Harry is the first one at the table. His face is a foot from mine, and it's all I can do not to faint.

"Hi, Harry!" I say, much more confident then I feel. He glances up and smiles quickly, then looks right back at the CD he's signing, probably like he does with everyone, and then a miracle happens. His hand freezes, mid-signature, and his head comes up slowly again, his incredible green eyes staring into my soul. "Hi, beautiful." he says softly, and holds my gaze. Oh my f-ing god, this sex god has stopped signing autographs to look at me?! This was definitely a dream. 

With trembling hands, I hand my hand written letter to him. He takes it and puts his huge hand over mine. "Don't be nervous, babe." he says. And then, AND THEN, even though there is a huge box behind him for gifts from fans, Harry stands up and tucks my note safely into his front pocket. My eyes widen to the size of dinner plates and Harry winks at me.

Did I mention this all happened in a span of about ten seconds?

I was crying when I got to Zayn, who was next. "Don't cry." says Zayn. I put a hand over my mouth and nothing comes out, and I'm pushed along to Louis. "I like carrots." I blurt stupidly, and he grins. "So do I, honey." he says. Niall high-fives me but I can't even say anything. And Liam doesn't even notice me at all, just hands me my signed CD while looking down. The guards don't let us linger at the end, instead, they practically push us out the door. I stand outside, absolutely spazzing, until Molli comes out.

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