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Harry had walked me back to the hotel with him, where we found the boys and Molli having a food fight with Niall's chips. We joined in for a little while, then Liam offered to drive us home.

"Bye everyone!" says Molli, waving. "Bye, Molli!" answers Louis.

"Byyeeee, Moolliiiiiiii!" says Zayn, mocking Louis. "Oh shut up!" says Louis, throwing another chip at him.

"We'll see you girls soon, then?" asks Niall. I nod confidently. "Yes you will." 

Harry, who has been standing behind me, kisses my forehead. "Remember what I said."

"Always." I reply, and smile up at him. Liam grabs keys to the van. "Let us go, ladies."

We say goodbye one last time and follow Liam out.

"I'm glad Harry's found you." he says once we're all in the car. "It's been awhile since Caroline."

"I'm glad too." I tell Liam. "Harry's a sweetheart."

Liam grins at me in the passenger seat. "He really is."

He drops Molli off first. "See you later!" I call to her. She nods and smiles, then runs inside.

"She's a very nice girl." says Liam once we're alone in the car. "Oh, yeah, Molli's awesome." I say. "So are you." he says sincerely. "Haven't seen Harry so happy in a while. Ever since you guys went out to eat, he's been...different. At shows, behind stage, hanging out....he's always smiling about something."

I feel the complete joy bubbling up inside me, and I can't help but grin stupidly at Liam. He's stopped in front of my house. I reach over the seat and give him a hug. "Thanks, Liam."

"You're very welcome." he says.

I get out of the car and look back once. Liam waves and drives off. When he's out of sight, I skip down my driveway, singing What Makes You Beautiful and getting dirty looks from the neighbors out their windows.

"I'm HOOOOOOMMMEEEE!" I cry out once I get through the door. "What's wrong with her?" mumbles my brother Ethan as he walks by. "Ethan, guess what guess what guess what?" I say, prancing after him. He turns around, eyebrows low. "What....."

"I'm dating Harry Styles!" I shout in his face, smiling so wide my face hurts. He stands there with a blank expression. "Okay, Kelsey. Let's go with that."

"No, I really am!!" I say, but he's already left, uninterested in little sister fantasies.

"Mom, Mom, Mom, I have a boyfriend!" I tell her as she's stirring the pasta sauce. "How nice, Kelsey! Who is it?" she muses.

"Harry Styles." I say as calmly as I can. My mom drops her sauce spoon. "You're kidding." I shake my head fast. "No, I'm not, I swear!!! He announced it to all the fans in the airport!!!!!!!!"

Her mouth flies open. "Wow, Kesley. You're one lucky girl." 

Ha. She's telling me.

"Isn't it so exciting!!!" I say, grinning like crazy. "It's certainly...surprising. You know you're not going to be able to have a regular life anymore." my mom answers.

I thought this over for a moment. "I guess. But Harry's worth it."

She shruggs. "Well, I'm happy for you. Make sure he's clean cut; you're still fifteen." 

I glare at her for a moment and then run upstairs and log onto Twitter. And I am immediately blown away. I have 6,294 followers, when I only had 203 this morning. I chek the trends. One of them is; #Whoisharrystylesgirlfriend?

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2012 ⏰

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