Chapter Two

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As the three unfamiliar faces run about Sky City, Spyro and Stealth Elf hang out on the balcony wondering what sort of fun they can have.

Spyro: How about a race? That would be fun.
Stealth Elf: Nah. I always end up beating you.
Spyro: Oh yeah.
Stealth Elf: *yawns*
Spyro: Well how about we spar to see who's the strongest?
Stealth Elf: Nah. I've done it today already.
Spyro: Oh. *sees Pop Fizz and Jet Vac running through the academy* Heh. Wonder what that's all about.
Stealth Elf: Only one way to find out. *disappears*
Spyro: Wha...? Hey wait up! *follows Stealth Elf*

Meanwhile, Pop Fizz and Jet Vac catch up to the egg stealing menace in the market, but the little devil managed to get on top of one of the roofs of the houses.

Pop Fizz: Oh no! *pant* Now how do we catch him?!?
Spyro: Hey, need some help?
Pop Fizz: Spyro, Stealth Elf, so glad you're here. Can you help us get this guy? He has one of the dragon eggs.
Spyro: Sure. Come on Stealth Elf, let's... *looks back and realizes Stealth Elf is already running towards the thief on the rooftop*
???: Ha ha ha ha! *raspberry*
Stealth Elf: *squints and jumps onto one of the market booths sitting just in front of the house*
???: Uh oh. *picks up the egg and runs away* Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!
Spyro: Hey Stealth Elf, wait up! *flies after Stealth Elf and the thief*
Jet Vac: Come on Pop Fizz, we'll head him off in the east market. *flies up and towards the east*
Pop Fizz: Hold on... *pant* I'm... *pant* pooped... *sits down on the ground*

Meanwhile, in a nearby tower, Brain relaxes in a soothing hot bath.

Brain: Ah, this is the life a brain was meant to live.

As Brain sank into the warm bath, two suspicious characters crashed through the window, making him splash around in fear.

Det: *looks around and sees Brain in the bubblebath filled tub* Who is this?
Brain: Who are you?
Det: I asked you first.
Brain: Why are you here?
Det: Why are you here?
Brain: Why am I here? Why are you here?
Det: Who wants to know?
Brain: I do.
Det: Then who are you?
Brain: Who are you?
Det: I asked you first.
Brain: Why are you here?
Det: Why are you here?
Brain: Why am I here? Why are you...
Firis: SHUT UP!!!

Firis unsheathed his fire sword from his back and stomped towards the scared Brain.

Firis: Where's Kaos?!?
Brain: Kaos? That name escapes me.

Without any hesitation Firis furiously stuck the blade of his sword in Brain's face.

Brain: Oh Kaos. It's coming back to me now.
Firis: Where is he?

Before the impatient fire cat could run Brain through, the doors of the room flew open once again. A small figure wearing a long cape stepped in the room.

Brain: You?

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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