Chapter Two

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Chapter Two



I stood in the newly renovated throne room in front of the large glass window viewing my kingdom. Cherlise was pregnant and I was happy as hell we had had an amazing wedding and she was an amazing queen.  But I still had a score to settle my sister and mother who had abandoned me and even my bitch of ex wife left me.  My father ran off somewhere because of that stupid bitch Adlyn and for awhile I was so lost I didn't know what do.

I had a kingdom to run so I didn't have long to sit and just be miserable, eventually they would all get what they deserved.  The door creaked open and in walked Yuri finally looking better than he had in the last few months. When Leona left it hit him hard and he went looking for her and even wanted to march into Crimson Rose. Most of the places knew better then to challenge us so if they were anywhere else we would know.

It was obvious where they had gone but we couldn't just walk into Adlyn's city. For some dumb reason the elders were taking her seriously as queen.

"Are you ready for this?" Yuri asked crossing his arms.

"If you are sure about this then you know I am." I replied.

Black Pegasus had been doing well but with the disappearance of my father and all the rumors things weren't like they should be. I had to sit down and broker new deal with beings that thought they could challenge old deals because I was now king. They all found out the hard way that I had no problem being a ruthless as my father. 

This new deal was with king Vesher if Talon City who wanted to marry off his eldest daughter. We would sit down to form a peace treaty and Yuri would take his daughter s hand in marriage. When the deal came to me no one had knew Cherlise and I were about to get married. Yuri stepped up saying this was a good way for him to move on to live his life.

So we went to Talon City and tried to negotiate a different deal and have Yuri meet Vesher's daughter. He was on the fence at first because it wasn't what he had intended.  But Briva and Yuri hit it off and a new deal was made. Today was the day Briva would be coming to our city to live and to start her new life with Yuri. Briva was a widow she had lost her husband who was some kind of big beloved captain in Talon. She was loved as well it this was just was our city needed and Yuri as well. He couldn't pine after my bitch of a sister for the rest of his life or he would never be happy.

Vesher and Briva had just arrived at the kingdom and the whole place was buzzing. News was slowly spreading of the soon to be husband and bride. Beings would follow Briva to Black Pegasus and those beings, and businesses we lost would be a thing of the past. I was just glad that Yuri was no longer locking himself in his room and losing himself in the bottom of a bottle.

"Don't worry Julius I'm good. I did a lot of thinking this last month about everything that happened. Leona left and the way she did it was clear she didn't care about our relationship. At the end of the day it's her loss." He shrugged.

"That's exactly what I want to hear." I smiled.

"Well come on it's time to welcome my soon to be bride." He smiled back.

We walked out of the throne room and headed down to the hall so he could do just that.


So much had changed in so little time and I never thought I would be where I was. The last few months I had joined in training with the others to prepare to go up against my brother.  I stood outside by the small pond of the place I had called my home since I came to Crimson Rose. Kingston had begin to tolerate being in the same room with me but it was clear things would never be the same. It was that feeling that I had about everything in my life.

My family dynamic had changed so much in such a short little time it all felt like a dream. Finding out that the woman who had raised me as her own had been denied the chance to raise Adlyn hurt.  I knew that my father wasn't perfect I knew that the being that he could be. But I never believed that he would hurt the woman he loved in such a way. Knowing all my father did to secure his seat on the throne made me sick to my stomach. It made me want to make sure that something like that never happened to anyone else.

I knew that with my brother being just like our father he would end up causing the same pain. I refuse to just sit by and let it happen so I planned to stop him. I only had a short time to do so since after his unexpected wedding he also announce he was having an heir. If the baby was born before I went after Julius I couldn't take the throne the seat would fall to his child. So intense training with Janeer was helping me get ready for the fight of my life.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and I couldn't help but let out a sigh. She snuggled close to my neck and gently kissed me on the neck. It was something that neither one of us expected to happen but here we were. And in just a short time she knew how to calm my nerves, just being in her arms felt right.

"It's all almost over." Phaedra whispered.

"Yes it is. We will get Penelope back and then I will confront Julius."   I replied.

If anyone would have told me that Phaedra and I would have ended up in a relationship I would have slapped them probably. We were so damn different in fact it was a rainy drunken night that started things between us. And after it happened we both tried like hell to act like it didn't but we couldn't do that for long. It took awhile for everyone to get over the shock of us dating.  But living together and getting to know each other we just got so close in a short time.

Even Orva and I had formed a friendship that I didn't expect and it felt good to have a friend again.  Now the three of us stayed back waiting for news about the camps. Adlyn didn't think it was a good idea for Phaedra to be there and it was hard but she eventually agreed. Some night were rough she would have nightmares where she would call out for her daughter. It was sick to know that my brother could do something so hateful to someone. And if he could do that to his wife imagine what he could do to someone else. It was like a nagging feeling I had that he would destroy the city I once called home. That it would turn into a city of hate and darkness.

"You are going to make an amazing queen." She reassured me.

"I wish it was as simple as walking into the city and just sitting down on the throne. The thought of having to fight my brother still makes me feel uneasy.  We a messed up one but we are still a family you know?" I admitted.

"I understand having a messed up family and I get that it's not easy. If you want to change things in Black Pegasus then your brother can't be king." She said softly.

I knew she was right it was the same thing Adlyn had said to me over and over again. That I couldn't walk into the city hoping to talk things over I had to be prepared. But a part of me hoped he would remember that bond we once had and hear me out. And if he didn't well I was ready for that too.

"Hey guys I think you want to come see this." Orva said shouting out the backdoor.

We both ran inside and one the TV screen was Julius and Yuri standing in front of what looked like the entire city.

"What the hell is this?" I asked.

"I turned to it just as he finished up some crappy speech about the city. It seems that Yuri is getting married to princess Briva or Talon city." Orva answered.

"That just means he aligned himself with more troops and more support." I groaned.

"That doesn't matter we will figure it out." Phaedra responded.

"You know I got your back we just have to prepare ourselves. "Orva added.

My brother was smart he knew that Talon had an amazing army and resources. He was planning something I just had a feeling, whatever it was I know it wouldn't be good.


Stay tuned for next Chapter !!

Yes I will be entering the wattys2017

I'm excited for you all to read everything I have planned for Adlyn and the rest of the gang. A lot is going to happen that will lead us all to the 4th book in the series!!

Demon Queen of Destruction (Book 3) ( #wattys2017)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora