Chapter Four

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Chapter Four



The large mountain on the west side of the city was where are base camp had been set up. Two medic tents and one main tactical tent is all that we needed beside the large amount of soldiers.  The moment I got it inside the tactical tent I used the conversation stone to check in. Hale wanted each of us to check in the moment we all arrived on site. Then we would each have two hours to prepare for entry of the cities.

But everyone was freaking out about my new snow tattoo they were arguing about it as if I wasn't even in the damn room.

I told them about what happen with Edera and Artoris and after the shock wore off they all had an opinion on what I should do.

"Everyone just shut the hell up." I yelled.

They all turned to me stunned as if they actually forgot my ass was standing there. 

"Sorry Addy I'm just not sure what you want us to say. I was a kid during the era of Artoris but still I remember the stories."  Kingston said fear in her eyes.

"Yeah that's exactly why I don't think that she should use it today." Saxton sighed.

"Yeah I agree I don't think it's a good idea." Wesley nodded. 

"I'm with Saxton on this." Barren chimed in.

Tora nodded as well almost all over us were together minus Donnie and Daya. I took a deep breath trying not to think about any of that I had to stay strong.

"Listen I told you that Artoris admitted he wasn't a good person while he was living. But the power that he gave me isn't like his power, because its mines. The power was blessed by each of the gods and goddess with a little of their power. I'm not saying I will use it today, but if I decide to it's my choice." I said angrily.

"We aren't trying to tell you what to do we aren't just telling you how we feel about it. We care about you." Kingston replied.

"I get that I do and I care about all of you but I have to decide what to do about this." I said softly.

"Okay we should all be trying to clear our heads before battle and this isn't helping. Your right babe just do what you think is best." Saxton smiled slightly.

Everyone nodded and everyone exited the tent except for Saxton. I could see the frown that had formed on his brow and I could tell he was worried. It was something that I had noticed it about him whenever something was wrong.

I walked over to the front of the tent and let the flaps fall down so that we could have some privacy. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder and he tensed up.

"What's up with you?" I questioned.

"To be honest I not only heard stories about Artoris. I happened to be a kid with my dad visiting his city when bandits kidnapped his daughter.  The carnage the blood it wasn't just from the bandits there were so many causalities that day. It's something that has always stuck with me." Saxton admitted.

It was the first time I had saw fear on his face and I couldn't deny that it made me worry. I made me wonder this power really that intense and dangerous. And if it was why would the god and goddess so willingly give it to me and not just that enhance it.

"I'm so sorry that you had to see something like that as a child. I know that it was probably hard to forget even after all this time. But I'm not Artoris you know I would never let my powers hurt innocent beings." I reassured him.

"I know that I just needed you to know why I'm worried. I have faith and you and what you can do you know that. But I have seen powers that have turned the most innocent intentions into dark ones. I would never want to see that happen to you." He admitted softly.

"I will never let power consume me I can promise you that." I replied.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight embrace and I let my body relax. Even though he was worried he still had my back and I was grateful for that. Thinking back on all I had been through I never thought I would be here. I mean when I first came here I thought I was normal human who had horrible luck and shitty parents.

I came to the underworld with a man I thought I would end up marrying. It was a twisted arrangement to start but I tried to make the best of it.  At some point Julius made me think he was the right guy for me, but then his true color shined through.  It was like being jolted awake and finding out I had just went from one nightmare into the next.

I could have never imagined that my life and past was a lie that I would end up with a family. That I would be queen of my own city have love and friends. But here I was and all I wanted to do was fight my ass off to keep this bit of happy that I found for myself.  I also wanted to save women who were forced to live a life they didn't choose like I was and I had. And soon this would be over all the camps would be finally shut down. 

"This is it we are going to save these women." I whispered.

"Your damn right we are going to end this." Saxton agreed. He leaned down and softly pecked my lips and pulled away.

"I'm going to go do my check around the base, and there is a cot in the corner so relax for a bit. I will come back and get you before the time." He said ushering me over to the cot and then walked out.

I plopped down on what looked hard as hell but was actually pretty soft and lay down slowly. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and just focused on the sounds of the birds chirping away. I brought my hand up to the necklace that Edera gave me. I still couldn't figure out what it was but I knew there had to be a reason she gave it to me.  But I knew that I would find out when the time was right. 

After awhile Saxton walked back into the tent and he clasped his hands together. "It's time to line up in place in check in again."

I stood up from the cot and walked out of the tent with Saxton on my heels.  I stood in front of one the largest group of soldiers and guards all ready to fight. The plan had been hashed out for month on end so everyone knew where they had to be and what their role was.

"It's time everyone." I replied.

It was all I had to say as everyone begin to move out and to get where they had to be. This was it we were about to enter Asora city.


The chapters will get much longer as the story get further along. I just wanted to get these first few chapters out for the wattys!!


What do you think of the new power Adlyn has acquired?

Do you think she shouldn't use it?

And do think it will had bad repercussion in the end?

Stay tuned!

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