Page 2- Tessica's POV- Jesse's Moment

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I started to stir when i saw Jesse burst through the door, he was tackled instantly. But jesse took charge, they fought for about ten minutes. Jesse had knocked him out and then tied him tightly with an orange extention cord. Jesse was really pumped up right now, he looked like he could take on a Sumo Wrestler or maybe even two Sumo Wrestlers!. I felt myself fading rapidly, whatever rodgers hit me with was making me dizzy and exhuasted. Everytime i tried to move, the pain in my head got progressively worse. I felt warm arms go around my waist and i knew Jesse was trying to pick me up. He let out a small sniffle like he was about to break down and cry. I am so in love with him, i just never imagined myself being with someone that was sweet, hot and smart. I always thought i'd marry a weird awkward nerd or something of that nature. But jesse is the only one for me. He sat down and pulled me into his lap, i rested my head on his chest and he stroked my head softly. The feeling of his touch was so soothing and my whole body relaxed. I heard him whisper he loved me, and i told him i loved him too. I guess this means we're both going to prom together.. I feel asleep in jesse's arms and that was the last thing i remember.


sorry that was a super short page, but onto the next. ;)

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