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" How are you feeling dear?"

" Okay, but i have to use the bathroom" 

" Your father said your head hurts?" 

" Only when i move" 

" Okay lets get you to the bathroom and then i'll hook this up to you" she waved the bag of coconut milk in my face. "Yeah that was a little frightening!" i said to myself. 

" Okay mr, miller you can go on her right side and i'll lift from her left side" the creepy nurse finished. My dads hands ran under the small of my back and the nurse did the same. I felt like i was being such a pain in the ass for my dad, making him air lift me to the bathroom. After i was in the bathroom my dad left and it was just me and the nurse. We stood there looking at each other for a couple awkward minutes, exchanging weird looks at each other i finally asked to be alone. 

" Um, could i do this myself?"

" Sure, i'll just wait out side the door" 

" Gee thanks, she can still hear me tinkle" i mumbled to myself. After i was finished, i called back the nurse and my dad. I wanted to try and walk on my own but my ankles hurt so bad and my head felt like it was a hundred pounds. So insted of air lifting me back to my bed, i asked my dad to just hold underneath my arms so i could hopple back to my bed.  After i sat back in my bed, i realised i hadn't once thought of  Bella or how she was. 

" Hows Bella?" finally jesse spoke up, his once clean and adorable face was drained of any energy he had.  Dirt was still smudged on his nose and cheeks. 

" Your dirty" i said and it must have sounded weird because mom, dad and lucy looked at me like i was a pervert. A smile cracked on my face. 

" I'm glad you think so tess, but we haven't explored the bedroom yet" jesse chuckled and gave crazy eye brows.

" Thats not what i meant you pervert!" i pretened i was going to slap his face. 

" Lucy could you grap a wet paper towel please?" lucy nodded and walked to the small bathroom. She  hand me the towel and i cleaned all the dirt off jesses face.

" Thats what i mean by dirty" and everyone let out little laughs.

" When can she come home" lucy said to my parents

" We don't know yet, hopefully soon"

" Yeah because the blue grass stakes is in a few days" Jesse spoke. The thought of the blue grass stakes never even entered my head. And then i wondered where kurt was, he should have been here. 

" Wheres Kurt?"  i blurt out.

" He left" my mom said

" What? what do you mean he left?" i said in a worried tone, the last thing i want is Kurt leaving with my horse and not telling me about it.

" Relax! its fine, he left for Kentucky early this morning"  Jesse said

" And Bella?" 

" Shes fine, shes with kurt" Lucy said

" She found you, ya know that?" jesse said

" What do you mean?" 

" When you were taken me and lucy rushed over to the track and bella was having a fit, so i asked kurt if we could take her back home and see if she could find you" 

" And she found you! like a blood hound!" My dad said with a smile. Tears formed in my eyes as i thought of bella. Bella and jesse were the ones who found me. Happiness and saddness rushed over me at the same time, which made for an interesting look on my face.

" Are you okay?" lucy asked

" Fine, yeah i'm fine"  i said wiping the little tears forming in my eyes.

" You'll see bella soon. The doctor should be in to give you an evaluation and see if your fit to go home" Jesse said with a small smile. I couldn't wait to go home, this whole ordeal was more than i could handle. I heared a crack over by the door and everyones attention turned toward the door.. 

" Hello, i don't mean to intrude or anything but its time for Tess's check up." A tall skinny man came threw the door, he was totally bald, like Bruce Willis bald!. His ice blue eyes gazed across the room and his attention turned to me.  " How are you feeling Tessica?"

"I've been better" i said in a sarcastic playful tone

" Haha i rekon!" he laughed and just then i noticed his heavy southern accent. Not that i don't have an accent but it wasn't that heavy compared to his.  " I'm going to unwrap your head bandage and see how we're coming along, okay?" He said in his soft southern accent

" Do i have to be tranquilized or anything?" 

" Haha, you crack me up little lady. But no ma'me" he said jokingly. I'm glad i amuse him i thought to myself. He reached for the back of my head and he began to peel off the bandage slowly, i didn't feel to much pain except when he applied more pressure. 

" Well little lady, it seems as it'll heal just fine with some Anti-biotics"

" Can i ride? and wear my helmet?" 

" Be careful with the helmet use extra padding on the inside and try not to fall, that will help alot!" 

" Okay, sounds do-able" 

" Can she go home now?" Lucy asked

" Yes, but first Carrie and Robert you need to fill out some release forms. Then Tessica is ready to go, oh and i'll be placing a bet for the Blue Grass and the Derby!" He gave me a sweet wink and strode out the door.

" Thank you!" i called out but i don't think he heard me. Mom and Dad walked behind Dr, Hietman to fill my release forms. Jesse and Lucy sat next to me quietly and finally jesse spoke up. 

" I'm sorry this happened on the day you were going to meet my father" he said softly and looked down at his folded hands.

" Hey, its not anyones fault but Rodgers. So don't you dare sulk" 

" Yeah, but that night was supposed to be perfect"

" I don't wanna hear another word about that night. Your still taking me to that French place in Kentucky"

" Deal" He said with a grin.. Nearly an hour passed and it was mid evening, mom and dad had been filling out papers and talking to Dr, Hietman about my recovery. Lucy had gone off to pack up all my things and get the car ready. Jesse and i were going over racing stratgey's..

" So whats your plan?" Jesse asked

"My plan?" 

" Yeah, you need a game plan" 

" Well i really haven't thought about it" i said in a lame boring tone. " I don't know the entries yet, and if i did, i need Kurt's help" 

" I have the entry list right here, if you want to go over some of the entries" 

" You just happened to have the entire entry list in your pocket?" i said laughingly

" Well you know, its good to be prepared" he joked

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2012 ⏰

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