True love || Logan Paul X Amanda Cerny ||

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Third person POV.

Vine has just shut down Logan has made lots of friends because of the app, One of his new friends is Amanda Cerny. Amanda and Logan started of as just friends then they became best friends Amanda would go to Logan's house to hang out and make skits for her vine account but I guess those days are over now...

                                                                          [ ALARM GOES OFF ]
Logan: HOLY ####
(Turns off alarm)
Logan: well  I guess I have to get up now.
( Gets off his bed )
Logan: Ok what should I wear... Pff I'll just go shirtless
                       ( Logan puts on his sweatpants and goes upstairs )
Logan: oh hi mark
Mark: .... Dude that joke is so dead
Logan: Nah I'm sure people would love it
Mark: okay Logan *sigh*
Logan: What? W-Why did you sigh?!
Mark: Nothing Logan
Logan: Mhmm
                              (Logan goes outside and calls Amanda)
Amanda: Hi Logan it's been so long since last time you called me
Logan: yeah hi Amanda I was wondering if you would like to make a video together you know like we used to before
Amanda: Yes of course I'll see in 5 minutes?
Logan: oh yes of course see ya
Amanda: bye Logan
                              ( Amanda hangs up )
Logan: ok I hope this goes well...

Hi guys what do you think so far? I will be trying updating this every day and post new chapters EVERYDAY! So I hope you guys stay tuned for awesome fanfiction moments yes I know this short but I wanted to keep this one short since its the first part. Bye see ya tomorrow.

True love || Logan Paul X Amanda Cerny ||Where stories live. Discover now