Love Is

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If Michael was late again, he would lose his scholarship, which would suck. The real reason he was late was because he was struggling to finish writing his 'Love Is' essay that was assigned a week earlier. It's not that writing the essay was hard, Michael was a somewhat decent writer, it's just that nothing he wrote meant anything to him. And after losing countless hours of sleep, he still hadn't written a single word. Normally, Michael would just think "Fuck it," and skip the assignment, but this one was worth 45% of his grade. 

Michael didn't have time to gather all his papers in the morning so he was awkwardly running with a pile of papers. He was surprised that he hadn't fallen yet considering how clumsy he was. Just when he was about to go inside the building, he ran into something. "Great. Just great." Michael muttered while frantically grabbing all his papers, not even bothering to see what he ran into. Suddenly, two hands appeared and helped Michael gather his belongings. Michael looked up to see that the hands belonged to a young man is a striped shirt. 

"I'm so sorry for running into you! Now you're going to be late. I'll talk to the professor and tell him not to count you tardy." The boy stuck out his hand to Michael. "I'm Jeremy Heere." Michael blushed at the sight of the beautiful boy. He balanced his papers between his knee and elbow and shook Jeremy's hand. 

"H-hi. I'm g-gay," Michael said. Jeremy laughed and when he realized what he said, Michael blushed harder. "I-I mean... I'm Michael. Michael Mell." 

Jeremy's jaw dropped. "You're the Michael Mell? The one who holds the current high score in the national Pack Man championship?" 

Michael laughed. "Yup."

Jeremy opened his backpack and took out the Complete Video Game Guide and a pen. "Can you sign this please?" Jeremy asked while handing Michael the book and pen. Michael laughed and signed his name. Then he added his phone and dorm number before handing the book back. Jeremy gasped. 

Michael smiled "See you around Jer."


"Love is..." Michael spoke to himself. His roommate, Jake, was out with his boyfriend, Rich, so he was alone for once. His phone buzzed, signaling a text from Jeremy. The two had been texting ever since their quick encounter and Jeremy had come over to Michael's dorm once or twice. 

Jeremy: wanna come over?

Michael:  yeah. give me 15 minutes. 

Jeremy: i hope you're ready for some fun ;)

Michael threw on his hoodie, grabbed his keys and left his dorm. He knew the way to Jeremy's apartment pretty well and followed the full moon until clouds blocked it. Jeremy was already waiting outside the apartment when Michael arrived. "Wow," Jeremy said when Michael arrived. "I can't believe I'm going on a date with the real Michael Mell!"

"D-date?" Michael questioned. 

"Yeah! Oh no. Did I forget to ask you out? Shit I had made this really great Apocalypse of the Damned gif to impress you with..." Jeremy looked down at his feet. "Sorry I messed up, Michael. I wanted to be romantic." Michael took Jeremy's hands and brought up his chin so the two boys were looking each other in the eye. 

"Jeremy Heere, will you go on a date with me?" Michael asked. He closed his eyes and leaned in close to Jeremy. Jeremy kissed Michael and Michael kissed back with tongue. 

The two stood under the lamppost kissing until Jake called Michael and told him to "get his ass back home pronto." And when Michael said goodbye to his boyfriend and went home, he knew exactly which two words described love. 

Love is Jeremy Heere.

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