Movie Night

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Rich had been told that Jake Dillinger was the bravest, strongest boy there was. So it seemed reasonable that Rich would choose a scary movie to watch on their first date night.

Everything was perfect. He had cleaned the living room, made his bed, set out snacks, and even put a bottle of lube and a few condoms in his bedside drawer just in case anything happened.

When the doorbell rang, Rich ran to the door like an excited puppy. Through the foggy glass, he could see Jake standing and running his fingers through his hair. He took a deep breath to calm down and opened the door.

"Hey Jake! Ready for Movie Night?"

"Yeah," he said while walking into his boyfriend's house.

"I picked out the scariest movie because I know you love scary movies."

"Aw yusss!"

Rich grabbed a blanket on his way to the couch and sat down. He scooted over to make space for Jake. The taller boy sat down and started munching on some popcorn while Rich browsed for the movie on Netflix. It started off all black with some rustling noises in the background. Then came the first jump scare. It caught Rich completely by surprise and he leaped about four feet into the air.


"Look if you're scared we can watch something else. There are plenty of
non-scary, good movies." Jake said while pausing the movie.

"Who? Me? I'm not scared! Let's go back to the movie."

"Whatever you say..."

He pressed 'play' and the movie continued. Deaths, blood, screams, the classic components to a good horror film. By the third death Rich was completely curled up in Jake's arm and shaking from horror.

"Okay. We are done watching this movie."

"No it's fine, Jake! I'm brave I can watch a dumb horror film w-without being

"Rich if you're scared that's okay. You don't have to act brave for me."

"But I want to make you happy! I don't want to ruin our first date night because I'm weak and can't handle a stupid movie."

Jake took his arm and put it around the shorter boy. He pulled him in closer and the two just sat there for a bit while Rich told Jake about all the things that scared him.

The dark.
Being forgotten.
His parents.
Big dogs.
Little dogs.
Pretty much all dogs.

There were a lot of items on his list of fears.
The more items he listed, the closer the Jake pulled him in until, if they were any closer, they'd be conjoined.

"Would you feel safer in your room?" Jake asked while pushing Rich's hair out of his eyes. Rich nodded and Jake picked up the smaller boy in the way a mother holds her toddler. Rich buried his head in the crook of Jake's neck, his tuft of red hair tickling Jake's ear. When they arrived at his room, Jake set Rich down on his bed and made sure to turn on all the lights.

"I'm sorry Movie Night didn't work out," Rich apologized as Jake sat down next to him on his bed.

"Don't sweat it, bro! We have plenty of other things to do. Like -- ooh why don't we play Cards Against Humanity online?"

The idea seemed wonderful to Rich so he nodded eagerly and pulled his old laptop from under his bed. They logged onto the website and after much arguing over the username ("Firepanda would be so cool!" "If by cool you mean lame. Sports4homeslice is so much doper") they decided on 'richjake69' (Rich insisted on a sexual innuendo). The game loaded as other players joined; chess_is_cooler_than_love, treesareourfriends, bowling-ballzzzzzz, and slushies&TnT

The black card read: "Now introducing: _______________ the Musical!"

"Ooh look Jake! This card would be perfect!" Rich exclaimed overly excited while tugging on his boyfriend's red jacket.

Jake hit the 'submit card' and they waited until treesareourfriends judged.

Their card was not picked but the winning card, Kinky Cows, was a really good answer too. After judging, treesareourfriends left the match.

'Sorry. The game was too dirty for me," he typed on the gamechat.

Jake shrugged and they continued the game until the was moon fully risen over Rich's house.

"I'm tired," Rich eventually yawned, snuggling into Jake.

"Wanna sleep?" Jake asked. But before he could fully finish his question, Rich was snoring lightly.

Jake smiled and hugged him until they were both fast asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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