chapter 4

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                                                                      CHAPTER 4

Jack returned a little after dark and by now not only was an angry or rather confused and hurt bunny waiting for him, but so was the other guardians. Before he could get a word in, tooth and several mini fairies tackled him to the ground, tooth's tears making jack feel worse that he already did.

"Oh sweet tooth we're so sorry we left you all those years ! You have every right to be mad at us and to not trust us after we abandoned you in the Easter fiasco !!!" Tooth cried hugging the poor boy to death , pun intended. "Tooth... can't ....breathe ! " Jack managed to rasp out before bunny pulled tooth and several mini fairies off of him. He got up and coughed roughly then looked back at the teary eyed fairies and somber guardians.

"Look what happened at the Easter fiasco was my fault and I'd never take pitch's proposition." Jack said non chalauntly, "Wit... Pitch made you a proposition ?... When was this ?" Bunny asked suspiciously taking a step towards the teenager.

OOOOH YOUR IN TROUBLE NOW.... jokul whispered in side of jack's head, taunting the poor boy to let him out but  jack refused to give in.

"It was when I left you at the park... I went to the artic to chunk my memories over the ledge and ... possible myself then pitch came and said he knew you would abandon me ,he always knew and then we got into a fight and made this really creepy sculpture when my ice hit his sand and then he started telling me how he knew what it was like to long for a family.... and that if I joined him children would believe in me and we'd make a world where every thing was pitch black...and jack frost.... but I said they'd fear me and that wasn't what I wanted so just leave me alone..." Jack stopped as the words sinked into him in then continued." Then he held up baby tooth and said if I wanted to be alone then be alone, he told me I had a bad habit of interfering with things and I always messed them up so if I handed him my staff he'd let baby tooth go. So I did but he lied and when she stabbed him with her nose he threw her against the ice and she fell in to the tavern , then he snapped my staff in half hit me with a massive force of sand and threw me into the same tavern as baby tooth ... with the broken staff. But long story short baby tooth showed me my memories and that gave me the courage to fix my staff then I went back to pitch's lair, which I'd found and tried to let the fairies go but they couldn't fly so I checked his globe say Jamie's light and went to him... You know the rest."

There was silence among the guardians and jack feared that they would leave him again so he started to change the subject," Yeah but anyway I wanted to apologize to you bunny for what -" Before he could finish the sentence strong arms wrapped around him, and he was surprised to see that it was bunny not north , but jack spoke to soon because a second later he was engulfed in hugs, "WA- Wait... you all don't hate me?" Jack shuddered out, "No of course we don't, and don't you ever think we do... we are so sorry mate." Bunny said hugging the child closer.

Jack relaxed and smiled internally, I finally have a home....

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