chapter 7

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They made it to arendalle in record speed; a tops of under 30 seconds, and when they came out of the portal onto the other side it was pure chaos.

Fearling horses covered the blue sky in a mass, it was as if they has turned the sky to night in only a matter of seconds, consuming any source of light. "Jack, punzle , find aransetis. He'll know how to raise the barrier again," Tooth informed, taking charge as North maneuvered thru the catastrophic war zone. "Bunny , sandy, help in the fight, see if you can find out if these are the same Fearlings we fought at the easter fiasco. I'll see what I can find out about how pitch got the allegiance of the lower levels." With that they took off to their different tasks.

Jack and Rapunzel found aransetis and several warriors of the light in the demolished archives battling half a legion of fearlings, and just barley winning. Jack sent a blast of ice towards the Fearlings and they reared back , giving the guards an advantage to strike back hard.And they did , harder than jack had expected.

"Drive them back men !" Aransetis ordered raising his sword victoriously. And only moments later they had pushed the fearlings in to the only unshadowed part of the area, turning them to ashen dust. Jack landed beside the other guards and raised his staff, sending a block of ice to cover, and secure the door to keep out any stray fearlings. Rapunzel landed gracefully beside arensetis ( Just like the angel she was, jack quietly mused ) and immediately the young knight picked the winged girl up and twirled her in a circle happily, something that caused jack to ache in jealously.

"Rapunzel !!! Why is beauty in all of this carnage ?" Arensetis asked kissing her playfully on the cheek, then setting her down. " Ima a guardian now , we got word of the battle and came to see if we could help. Are any of you hurt ?" She asked worriedly, looking at the sand covered knights who looked pale and exhausted, they nodded "No" when suddenly a black and crimson colored light darted out, consuming who ever it touched, The remaining five people; Rapunzel ,jack , arensetis and two other guards dived to the ground, just barley missing being consumed by the entity.

"Hellloooo, Jokul..."

the darkest flame and the hottest chillTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon