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Five.  It's been just five minutes since I finally was able to doze off  and the stupid alarm decides to go off just now ?  Sometimes I think the whole universe is against me or something ! I barely could sleep last night . Waking up after an half an  hour nap because of a horrid stupid nightmare and then deciding to finish the  article for the college magazine was probably not a good idea . It took me forever to finish that ! ugh ! And now , I have exactly an hour till I have my first class . And I think I am experiencing Monday Blues !

I groan and manage to untangle myself from the mess of  my discarded tee , papers , pens , journal and  the bed-sheet . Getting up is hard and harder if you had no sleep last night . But hey , I am not complaining , as long as I get my morning coffee and a good shower , I am good to go , until I am totally knackered.  Knackered. I love that word . It sounds so.....um...so.....fun ?

I think too much - I think to myself . See ?  I seriously think too much . But I guess,  not having people around to talk to , or  not really wanting to have people around , makes one talk less and think much .

Its only after getting up from the bed  that I notice that I don't have any clothes on . i quickly wrap the bed sheet around me and hurry towards my closet to grab my  dress for college. In my defence , last night it was really hot and I could not keep my tee on , so , yeah , I slept nude . One good thing is , my roommate was sick or homesick and moved back to her hometown which left this dorm room ALL to myself and I am HAPPY ! I never wanted to share a room anyway .  But one thing I hate about Dorm rooms are , community showers ! Why can't each room have an attached bath ? I don't like this but at least the shower works and its not small.

After a quick shower ;  though I pretty much wanted to spend another half an hour just  to let the cool water calm me down , let my skin soak the cool-ness ; I grabbed everything I needed for today, the article , (  I have to print it out later today ,   I note to myself ) . I felt like wearing a dress today ; so after 45 minutes ,  since that stupid alarm woke me up ,  here I am. Walking down the path , between frat houses and dorms , to the building where I have my classes , holding the satchel bag tightly and music filling my ears , rather my heart through my headphones attached to the iPod .

It usually blocks my sense of 'hearing-what's happening-in real-world'  but not eye sight and so , I still can't understand  how could I miss this flying ball that is currently coming at me . I freeze for a moment , trying to take in what's happening and I find myself  walking by a park and there are some guys playing soccer and currently the ball is not going towards the  goalpost but is coming at my direction. I quickly try to dodge the hit and  succeed only to trip over the bench that I can swear came out of nowhere !  Not really but  really..I could not see it , and when I look down to see if any damage is done , I gasp.

Of course . First no sleep , then not-enough-time-quick-shower , then tripping over and cutting my leg while trying to dodge a flying ball - and it all happened  BEFORE my morning coffee ? If it's not clear yet I am just gonna say it out loud . " The universe hates me and don't worry buddy , the feeling's mutual . " I whisper . I don't  really shout , hell, I barely talk ! I kneel on one knee while trying to examine if the cut is much deep , I hope its not , I don't wanna get another scar . I already have tons of cuts and bruises - being clumsy does that to you !  I think its not deep , though bleeding , but , its okay , I have had worse ! I was so caught up by the' Flower Duet'  filling up my heart with the headphones tucked in my ears that when I feel a slight pull on one cord I nearly scream , but soon relaxes when a deep raspy voice asks worriedly , " Are you okay ? I...I am so sorry...Its my fault....I....I am really sorry ".

I quickly get up , not wanting to start and continue any conversation . So  just murmuring a ' I am okay ' , I walk away , not even noticing  who was stupid enough to kick the ball in the opposite direction and kind enough to  ask me if I am okay after I clumsily tripped over a bench !

What a day ! It couldn't start any better than this ! Note the sarcasm ,will you? But , when you think , people do have worse starts ! Bad coffee , hangover ,breakup, no water to shower , no cab money ? I guess I am lucky then .

The cut doesn't hurt that bad that I would scream my lungs out or run to a nurse , but it DOES hurt . God ! It HURTS ! I try not to give much pressure on the leg and walk away , not so gracefully if I may add and sit on the next bench I see . Yes , I have noticed this one . 

Placing my bag beside me , I take the water bottle out and wash the cut , and after gently patting it dry I quickly take the liquid bandage , that second skin ones from my bag and spray it over the cut  . I figured out in the past that I should  keep one with me  always , given my clumsy-ness.  It stings but it will be okay. But the important thing now is , I don't feel like going to college anymore . I am already ahead the class and I don't usually miss any classes , so one day wont do any harm , I hope .

I look around . Its a beautiful summer day . The first week of May .  Suddenly my all bad feelings about the day starting bad vapors away and I am  left with a happy  feeling . Different happiness. I know exactly how I wanna spend the day .  I am gonna go to my safe heaven today. I haven't been there for a while , for a LONG while .  But first , lets start my day with a coffee and my daily routine .

There's a cafe not far , oh what am I saying , there it is ! Its just a minute's walk . I order my usual and after a while I am back in the park , sipping my coffee , sitting on the same bench that is responsible for my cut !  I reach my free hand to the back of my head , taking the pen out of my makeshift messybun and my hair fell open , cascading past my shoulder and waist . I ruffle my hair a bit and then start doing what is the second-best  thing I love to do ; while Miley Cyres keep singing 'The Climb'. I loved this song , still do , reminds me of the old version of her , um , the younger Miley . Moving  my lips with the lyrics , I start writing my journal , yes, I do keep a journal and I love writing .



Hey guys ! Here's the first chapter of Together ! First Series . First Book , First Chapter ! A lot of firsts ! ;)

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The songs mentioned here are Flower Duet , Lakme Opera , I forgot the singers names ! Two sisters, I think ! And of course Miley's The Climb from Hannah Montana-The Movie ! Oh yes , the song was mentioned in Fifty Shades of Grey , now get it ?


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