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"Rosy are you really going to Clucky's with Jake?" Rebecca asked Rosy as she put on her shoes.

"Rebecca you know I am and I will bring you back some ok?"

"Ok." Rebecca answerd as Rosy left the room.

Rosy then got her phone and dialed Jake's number as she walked down the sidewalk in the dark.

The phone rang for a bit before it let out Jake's voice.


"Hi Jake I just wanted to let you know I'm on my way to Clucky's right now."

"Ok good I'm already there my mom drove me."

"Jake that is one of the many reasons that you get tried easily after running a short distance."

"I'm sorry if I don't enjoy walking everywhere in this town."

"Whatever just wait for me if I start running I could get there in seven minutes."

"Ok love you!"

"Love you to!" Rosy said back before she hung up.

*At Clucky's*

Jake sat there at the table wondering about how Jimmy wouldn't give up on trying to become a detective.

The thought settled on his mind as if just finished unpacking its things to move in.

The thought just sat there making him wonder

"Why does Jimmy want to do this so bad out of everyone he shouldn't be a detective he is just to nice to be one he wouldn't be able to suspect anyone." Jake then heard the door open and he saw Rosy walk in he got up and walked over to her.

"Hi Rosy!"

"Hello Jake and before you say anything else let's order our food."


"I just said don't say anything else until we order." Jake then stopped him self from responding and both Rosy and Jake went up to the counter to order.

"Hello welcome to Clucky's how can I help you today?" Said a very energetic lady working at the cash register.

"Rosy you order first."

"Thank you for realizing I'm hungry." Rosy said back to Jake before ordering.

"Ok I will take a Tookey Special and some Chicken Wings as long with a Orange Blast soda please." Rosy said to the lady working the register.

"Alright and what will you have sir?"

"Just a Drumstick and a glass of water." Jake said.

"Ok that will be Nine dollars and Fifty cents please." Said the lady.

"Ok just let me get my wallet." Jake responded to the lady.

After a few seconds of searching Jake found his wallet in his pocket and he pulled out the amount they needed to pay.

"Thank you your number is Twenty-Seven have a nice day." Said the lady taking the money.

"Shes so nice." Rosy told Jake as they walked to a empty table.

"Why did you order Chicken Wings?"

"The Chicken Wings are for Rebecca I promised to get her something to eat from here."

"Ok that makes sense Rebecca aways wants something."

"I know it gets annoying." Rosy said finishing the small conversation she just had between Jake and herself.

When they got to the table they sat down and Rosy said something Jake wasn't suspecting to hear.

"You know I have been thinking and I have changed my mind on Jimmy being a detective."

"Wait Rosy so you actually think Jimmy could be a good detective?"

"Well yeah."

"Rosy he's to nice he wouldn't be able to accuse anyone!"

"Maybe but Jimmy just won't give up on anything he has his mind set on so he wouldn't stop accusing until he found the murderer!"

"Rosy he wouldn't be able to!"

"Jimmy would accuse people Jake he cares about the safety of everyone!"

"Rosy he just can't it's going to be to hard for him!"

"Jake it wouldn't be you know this is sad you don't believe in your own brother!" Suddenly Jake paused he took what Rosy just said into consideration and after a moment of silence he spoke to her again.

"Rosy your right Jimmy wouldn't give up he would be a good detective."

"Thank you for agreeing."

"Look I'm sorry for that little argument."

"I am to you have your own opinion and I should accept that." Then the lady yelled from the other side of the room.


"Thats us."

"Ok let's go get the food and try to finish quick so Rebecca can get her food and not try to sabotage me or one of my things."


*Fifthteen Minutes Later*

The gentle breeze of the night wisped past Jake and Rosy's face blowing the bag with Rebecca's Chicken Wings a bit forward and the star's lit the way home as they walked.

"That was a great anniversary dinner Jake."

"Why are you telling me that it was your idea to go to Clucky's in the first place." Jake said and before they could say anything else they heard footsteps behind them.

Rosy turned around and saw a silouite with a knife and it was wearing a black hoodie.

"Jake turn around." Rosy whispered to Jake and when he turned around and saw the figure he grabbed Rosy and started running.

"Jake why are you grabbing me and running you know I'm faster then you and I take longer to get tired."

"Rosy we are running for our lives do you want to argue right now?"

"Fair point, but just let go of me I can run." Jake let go of her and they both started running, but the silouite kept up well.

"Uh Rosy the figure is still close to us!" Rosy took a note and in quick thinking she threw Rebecca's Chicken Wings at the silouite it stumbled back a bit and Rosy then grabbed Jake and ran into a near by alley way.

They waited a moment and until the figure ran past the alley way and once the coast was clear they both ran to their homes in the silence of the night.

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