Part 10

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I lost part 9 due to her forgetting I can't copy and paste on Snapchat. She here is 10.

daily kayla entry #10

6/7/17 11:26 pm

We got to 10 yall. thats pretty great. im very tired right now and contemplaiting whether or not this keyboard will outlive me. ignore typos. my friend is probably gonna laugh at this. my friend is amazing. she told me one night "u need to do a daily kayla" and idk it just stuck. what i dont think she knows is i do them a lot for my benifit. writing is how i express myself without shame. no i would never say these things in person. thats why i write them. ive been in a shell most of my life. these entries help me come out to people a little more everyday. im so happy she came up with these. and i hope someday they'll help someone else too.

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