Chapter 2. To Dacant Plain

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The young swordsman cross the snowy mountain for almost a 4 days, soon he will be out of food. He almost eated all of the meat jerky that he cooked from the huge monsters meat. So the young swordsman is now on for the hunting of food. He look everywhere to find food . He is very far now from the snowy mountain. The young swordman keep on walking until he reach the boundery of the northern part of mu continent. He saw the guard standing on bronze armor and give his greetings. The guard ask the young swordsman where he is heading to. After a few conversation, the guard welcome him on the suda desert. Then the guard warned the young swordsman about the rumors abt the scorpion king that is wondering between dacant plain and suda desert. Ignorant of the world ahead the young swordsman continue his journey toward dacant plain.
Unlike the northern part, suda desert is so hot, its huge area of land composed of sand. He continue walking until he saw a giant scorpion wondering on the desert. Alarmed of food shortage he throw his bag somewhere near him and fought against the giant scorpion. He doesnt know how to fight it since its his first time on the desert. So he kept on attacking the shell of scorpion,but he cant break it. The scorpion tried to stab him with its tail, luckily the swordsman dodge and cut its tail. He then crawl and roll under the scorpions body and stab it on its heart. The wondering scorpion is killed. With no food, the swordsman open the gut of scorpion and took its flesh,. He let it dry under the sun and eat the meat of the scorpion. He then continue wondering with whats left on his bag. He walks in the desert of suda the whole day and sleep at its night. The night is very cold. Suddenly the swordsman wake up, because the sand is shrinking. In his front he saw a half human half scorpion arising from the desert. He then remember what the guard say to him. The scorpion king appear. The young swordsman try to flee from the scorpion king. The scorpion king runs after him. Blindly the young swordsman sheet his small blade sword and fought the scorpion king. Caught offguard the scorpion.king was cut by the young swordsman blade. The scorpion king knew something was off so it used its tail to hit the young swordsman and try to flee. The young swordsman dodge the attack of.scorpion king and go fo a slash on its tail. But his slash is too soft for the scorpion king. The strike was retracted and the scorpion king released a miasma. A poisonous miasma. Then it crawl and escape under the desert. The poisoned young swordsman, able to do nothing retreated to the next destination, to dacant plain.

The poisoned young swordsman after an hours of struggling have reach the border of the suda desert and dacant plain. The guard rushed at him and tend to his needs. Unconscious of everything the guard took out the poison by cutting so deep in his chest. The guard do his duty and somehow saved the young swordsman. A day after, the young swordsman wake up. He greeted the guard and thanked him for saving his life. The guard ask how did he get thay poison. He tell everything to the guard. The guard was really schocked when he say that he cut the chest of a scorpion king and was poisoned by its miasma. According to the guard, its impossible, for a simple young one like him. The guard insisted that even the great heroes and knights of royal army will be melt with a single poison from a scorpion king, how much more if its miasma. Then the guard give up for he know and he saw that its not a normal miasma. The guard then introduce himself, he is actually a medical practitioner and a soldier of the kingdom near the dacant plain. The guard guide the young swordsman of his journey and tell to visit the nearest kingdom. It is because the guard know that the young swordsman is not well equiped. He then begged the young swordsman to visit his nephew who knows how to craft swords. Decided on his destination the young swordsman embark to the nearest kingdom. The kingdom of Alitaire.

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