Chapter 17: Undead dragon king and Hades assault

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The next day Hades release all of his generals to the mu continent, two craken came up to the ocean, the void , and on the mountain of olympus appear the undead dragon king. The dragon king with his 3 headed dragon flew over the continent of mu and obliterated many villagers and soldiers with its breath. Even the kings of the continent trembled in fear when they hear the roar of the three headed dragon. On the oceans of mu two krakens are moving their way to the island of Atlantis. With hades as its master, the kraken aims to sink the island of Atlantis and destroy their kingdom. To the center of the continent of mu ,the greatest masterpiece of hades is on rampage. The void, every thing that runs on its skin perished. Even the greates mountain of mu, perished with just a single touch. Nothing hits it, even the soldiers weapon , and magic nor the mighty powers of the god, even their powerful weapons just perished with just a touch. The gods is in trouble. Meanwhile the dragon king flew to the west of the mu with hundred of dragons  to give destruction. The king of aghorn with the 10000 eagle riders of of atlantis flew with honor to battle this terror. With the military might of the soldiers of atlantis, and with the use of their advanced weapons, they easily manage to kill an army of dragons. The undead dragon king saw the might of his opponent, and with the use of his mount he released poison breath, fire breath and acid  to the riders. The riders took a heavy damaged and try to escape. Luckily with the king of aghorns lance, he throw this to the mouth of the undead dragon king with full force. The lance flew at full speed on mid air, and hitted heavily the mouth of the undead dragon king. The undead dragon king with a hole in its mouth fall to the ground of mu. His mount the three headed dragon escaped to the mu continent leaving its master. On the east of the mu continent , the island of Atlantis facing two krakens is in trouble. The royal family let the civilians took their shelter and the soldiers to prepare for the attack. The king of Atlantis opened the heart of the island and a giant cannon appear. Magicians and Wizards of atlantis operates the canon with their spiritual spheres and produce a giant spiritual sphere. The king signalled them to release the first attack. The giant cannon fires one of the kraken with a big spiritual spear and obliterated it on one shot. The other kraken saw it and retreated to the bottom of the ocean. Hades in anger because of the situation , goes to battle with the giant void. Hades battle in the center of mu with the void, but not in his dream , a nightmare will appear right infront of his eyes.

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