chapter 24

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Naomi pov:

It's Saturday morning and I'm in Grayson's arms. I really don't recall me sleeping or maybe I do.I see a paper in his hand.

I slowly remove Grayson thumb and index finger from the paper and read it. It was a party and it told us to dress nice what time it is and how it was in a hall across from here.

I'll probably go for an hour or so cause I know there will be alcohol and  people are going to be wasted.

I try to wake Grayson up by kissing him all over his cheeks and his neck and his lips but he still doesn't budge.

"Why don't I try something different" I said to myself

I trail my hands down to his lower bottom and to palm his dick through his sweatpants. I then begin hearing him moaning my name.

He then realizes what happens and gets up. I run to the bathroom knowing Grayson is trailing behind me.

I do what I have to do and shower. If you guys are wondering there is a closet connecting to the bathroom. I must say these dorms are nice.

I hear Grayson knocking on the door and trying to talk to me.

I finally come out and Grayson is waiting right in front the door.

"Hey babe"
"Can you do that again"
"I don't know what you're talking about"
"Come you know exactly what I'm talking about just one more time please"
"I'm sorry I really don't know hat you're talking about"
"Princess please I'm begging you"
"Awe someone's horny"
"Then no go and take a cold shower I heard it helps"

I kiss his cheek , pushed him into the bathroom and walk to our little office.

About 30 minutes later Grayson comes out the bathroom with another huge boner.

"Are we going to that party"
"Oh you found the paper"
"So like the answer is"
"Do you want to go"
"Well I might go out with my friends"
"Wow you already made plans"
"Then I'll stay by myself"
"Grayson you'll see your friends at the party if you go"
"No I'll stay"
"Oh my god Grayson please go I don't want you to stay by yourself"
"Fine, but if I go I'm giving you a limit"
"What you mean a limit"
"You have to be back at 12"
"Fine, but you'll probably be late"
"No I'm going to leave at 11:20 so I'll be back in time"

We both sit down in our office chairs and do what we have to do.

It was 5 and I got my purse and left. I went to Alisha's dorm. And it was only three of us hanging out suprisngly Melissa wasn't there cause it was always the four of us.

"So what are we doing later" Alisha asked
"We can go to the party" Dianna suggested
"I guess, but see we need to wear dresses"
"Actually we don't I know of one my brothers friend that's hosting a party" Alisha said
"Um how far away is it"
"It's probably like 10 mins away from here"
"Alright" I said
"Well we can leave on like 20 mins or so"

I text Grayson.

Me: I'm going to a party
Gray❤: so I'll see you
Me: no I'm going somewhere different
Gray❤: well you need to answer some questions before you go
Me: omg Grayson
Gray❤: I'm just joking but you have to be back before 12
Me: or what
Gray❤: well we had an agreement
Me: shit I forgot
Gray❤: anyways I'm not going to the party
Me: I don't want you all alone
Gray❤: too bad but if you don't come back before 12 you'll see what happens
Me: anyways I wasn't planning on coming back and spending time with you like I'll see you everyday
Gray❤: wow thanks I feel better now
Me: np

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