Chapter 5

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"There's nothing fun that I can think of for her to do in Tempe," she continues. "I mean, I have my roommate and a tiny house-that's it. She's bored all the time."

I nod and take a seat on the couch. Give me a break, we'd just ended the FIRST part of your which, alone, was 3 weeks.

She followed my lead and sat in the big chair across from me, folding her legs under herself. She was...interesting, I guess.

"Why isn't she with your parents?" I asked, being my nosy self.

She laughed, which surprised me. "Yeah, they're blowing their lids off about it back in Texas."

I laugh along with her.

"But hey, she's my little sister and they can't NOT let me see her because we don't talk."

All of a sudden, she stands up. "So that's my fucked up life."

As soon as she said that word, I knew I liked her. "Well let's get you back to your sister," I said as I grabbed my keys. She followed me out the door and we hopped in the car.

"General direction?" I asked, starting it up.

"Down Ashby on the East side. Near Lana Patrick's."

I pulled out of the appartments, taking a left on Hayne Street. "Like, Lana Patrick Art Academy?" I asked.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her nodding in the dark. "Yeah, I'm an art student."

This nearly made me drive off the road with surprise. "Dude no fucking way!?" I exclaimed. "Thats punk."

She laughed. "It's fun. You could turn in a piece of shit assignment and they'll just rave about how good it is and how that student 'thought outside of the box.'"

I laugh with her and stop at a red light.

"So tell me about YOU, stranger O'Callaghan."

I sigh and lift my hands off the steering wheel, ticking things off my fingers as I say, "Born and bred Tempe Native, just moved out of my parent's place even though I'm 23, In a band-"

"Woah hold up," she said, cutting me off. "In a BAND? What do you play?"

I smirk and accelerate as the light turns green. "I sing, actually. Our band is The Maine."

"Oh, I have a bunch of your guys' stuff on my iPod."

And the way she said it-not screaming or instantly asking for an autograph or a picture afterward-was perfect. It convinced me that there was a chance that we could be real friends after all.

"Turn here," she ordered, pointing to Ashby. I did as she said.

"Third one on the right," she said.

I pulled in the driveway and turned to her. "Well good luck with your sister and Art School. Be sure to draw me a picture."

She smiles and runs a hand through her brown hair. "Definitely. Sketched out naked men."

I smile at her as she got out of the car, closing it lightly behind her. She waved to me and marched those long legs up to the front door where a miniature version of herself was waiting with a shorter Asian girl. I smiled some more to myself as miniature Elena hugged bigger Elena, wrapping her tiny arms around Elena's legs.

I got one last final wave before leaving.


I jerk awake. At first I don't know where I am, but then I see Garrett snoring, Elena wide awake, and hear music playing in my ear.

"We are now descending," she says, mimicking the flight attendants robotic voice.

I run my hand through my hair, hoping it doesn't look to crazy after that nap, and stretch my hands out infront of me.

Out of the window, clouds are darker than they were hours ago. What time is it here?

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