Chapter 15

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"I'll get the door," Shane says, dropping his empty plate in the sink.

I wait in the kitchen until I hear it open and a, "Hey Shane" coming from the other room.

I immediately duck my head out of the doorway at the sound of the voice. Elena is walking through our living room, following Shane.

"Elena?" I ask, a little shocked. She looks up and smiles. I can tell she looks just as confused as I am.

"Hey John," she says and gives me a hug. Over her shoulder, I give Shane a look that says 'WTF?' He shrugs and mouths, 'Sorry'.

Elena pulls away and sets her bag on the table. Before I can ask her why she's her, she's pulling out paper and pencils.

"I had no idea that you'd be here," she tells me.

I take a seat in the chair that I had just been sitting in at dinner. "Yeah, at my own house."

Shane sits down next to me just as Mom enters the kitchen. "Hello Elena," she says with that motherly smile of here.

Elena smiles and waves. "Hi Mrs. O'Callaghan."

"I didn't know you'd be coming over tonight," Mom says, eyeing Shane and I as if we should've told her. But Elena was Mom's friend-that is kind of weird to say, but they've know eachother for as long as I'd known her. I still didn't know weather or not Mom knew she and I were dating.

"I didn't either," Elena admits. "But Shane called and asked for some sketchbook help."

I stare at him but hi ignores my gaze. Such a little fucker.

"Would you like anything to eat?" Mom asks.

She shakes her head. "No thank you. I just ate something on the way here."

Mom smiles and heads into her room. Shane stands up and says, "Let's go up to my room."

Elena gathers her stuff and we run upstairs. Shane shuts the door and takes a seat on the bed. Elena sits at the desk and I pull a chair up next to her.

"What do you need?" Elena asks Shane.

He shakes his head and pulls out a faded green sketchbook. "This shit's hard. I don't even know why I took it-Senior's shouldn't take Art."

Elena laughs and takes the sketchbook, flipping through the pages. "This is good," she says.

"Okay, Mom said you needed help with girls," I butt in.

Elena laughs louder and throws the sketchbook back at Shane. "Girls! Shaney has girl issues!"

He swats it out of the way and groans. "Ugh. Thanks John."

"So what's the problem?" I ask with a chuckle.

He lays back on the bed. "I don't know. This girl might like me but I'm not sure."

"Then just try asking her out-but that's only if you like her," Elena says.

Shane flips his hair. I remember when I had tiny girl issues back in highschool. Everyone constantly telling you, "Oh so-and-so likes you," and "That girl you liked says you're weird." Yeah, those were the days.

"But what if she really doesn't like me and I get rejected? Then I would look stupid."

Elena shakes her head. "Just do it! If you have any of your brother's charm, she'll definitely say yes. We already know you've got the looks." She rubs the top of his head, messing up his hair. He flips it back instantly. Elena was always messing with my brothers and it was hilarious to watch.

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