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Edith is content in heat as well as cold, like in her home off in BC in the small misty town by the nymph infested lake, no one really knows this but the real reason it’s misty all the time is the nymphs play so much and water evaporates from their little bodies in joy. In the end outsiders assume it’s haunted.

Today however Edith was put in Arizona, she sticks out like a sore thumb but that never bothered her before so it wasn’t going to bother her now.


Herbs was the reason she was here, some flora and fauna of the heat, lizards, moths, and specifically cactus juice. Mali, her supplier ran out a week ago and Edith didn’t feel like waiting, so she left to the desert herself. Now she wasn’t one to leave the house AT ALL, but she felt like she needed a change of scenery…

“Carrot top!”

and a way to ignore GaaL.

Edith grumbled audibly dragging her single luggage bag up the few steps to her motel, she thought taking GaaL out would get her to pay attention to some cacti or something- but NO she’s still trying to get Edith’s attention!

Edith was at the screen door to her motel, she knew if she looked over  her shoulder she would see GaaLs blue, skeleton filled, ghostly, irritating self behind her just floating casually like she knew singling her out by yelling at her in public wasn’t going to make her fume. It’s bad enough almost no one could see GaaL aside from herself, so GaaL never had anyone else to bother.

Edith grabbed the door handle and looked over her shoulder sending GaaL a look that could kill if she wasn’t already dead, GaaL was floating on her back like she was in a pool looking up at the sky hands behind her head, not even paying attention anymore.

Edith was about to loose it. So she turned around closed her eyes, counted to ten, let her breath go and began to open the door with a creak.

“Shmuckums,” a whine sounded behind her, “ pay attention to meeeeeee-”

GaaL was cut short by Edith grabbing her by her celestial pink fucking hair and pulling her inside.

GaaL was yelling at the check in, playing puppy dog eyes by the stairs, then whining when they got to their room, of course it was a room for one. In which Edith finally let go of GaaLs gum textured hair, then began to apply lots of sun lotion pointedly ignoring GaaL.

GaaL rubbed the back of her head like it hurt, though Edith doubted that she could feel pain science she was dead, “come on sugarcane, I’m into it but you didn’t even ask first,” GaaL pouted nearing Edith now floating sadly along the floor fazing through Edith’s legs and looking up at her with sad yellow eyes but her ears were still perked, telltale sign she wasn’t all that upset, “bunny play with me,”

GaaL just wanted a distraction.

Edith just wanted GaaL to be distracted.

“I’m going into town to go get the ingredients I need for my next batch for Izumi and Glenna,” Edith announced while putting her hair up lazily, “don’t cause any trouble and don’t bug me,” Edith knew immediately that GaaL wasn’t going to listen, but that was the point, if she was causing other people trouble, she wasn’t going to be bugging Edith, “ and don’t call me bunny,” she said grabbing her backpack and exiting the room, “I don’t relate to a bunny at all,”

Edith heard a loud and excited gasp from her closed room, Edith smirked, but only for a second, “ you were listening!”

The rest of the day was Edith at the open market with GaaL also floating around. While Edith was conducting business GaaL was nibbling at fruits,agonizing chickens,sifting through people’s wallets,groaning about the time, knocking over stands(customers or dogs were often accused of knocking over the booth), helping out the street rats discreetly, and she managed to find a supernatural who could see her and had a conversation, in which Edith got suspicious of the lack of chaos and found GaaL chatting with a rather old looking traveling merchant, though it was clearly a male genie, freed from the looks of his severed tattoos,at a young age too. Edith smiled, this one got lucky.

He told Edith about other “odd” people in the area, and GaaL moaned and groaned swiftly slipping the belt off of the man for making her evening longer then what it already was.

Back at the motel Edith was content, she acquired all her needed materials,gained some new contacts who would like to buy from her in the future, she bought a new book on meditation.

Well let’s just say the book helped her fall asleep outside while the sun was still up, when she woke her back was straight,the book was still in her hands, she may have gotten burned a bit, but she got some good sleep.

Edith also noticed what woke her up, no noise was made save for the slight rustling, of grass as GaaL approached her slowly with a Cheshire smirk with her eyebrows raised, Edith couldn’t be sure, but GaaL looked comfortable, how long was she simply floating there watching her.

Edith’s face showed none of her questions, this wouldn’t be the first time GaaL stared at her for no reason.

“I just read this page,” GaaL said smugly eyes flicking down as she soothed the page down with her translucent forefinger, her eyes then flicked up and she cupped her own face with her hands, “it didn’t say anything about napping, you orange owlet,”

Edith looked at her evenly, “you missed a page,” she stated, she had not read that much so far however, she couldn’t get off the hook like that GaaL could tell when she lied, so she shrugged it off still looking GaaL in the eyes her expression bordering on annoyed, “you are distracting me,”

GaaL chuckled the kind of chuckle a villain would have, she subconsciously did something with her ghostly tail, but Edith’s gaze didn’t waver to look. GaaL tilted her head looking almost fondly at Edith, then her voice coming close to that of a temptress, low and with the trace of a purr simply rumbled,“I really think it’s the other way around,”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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