Chapter Three

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        I was able to talk her into staying below deck and resting while I went up and gathered the cacti. I rummaged through my crates and found a hooked spear-like tool to grab the cacti with. It worked magnificently! I was able to hook and pull several clumps onboard without even having to lower my bridge or dangle over the side of my vessel. I quickly brought it below deck and pushed my vessel for home.

        When the ship was on course and I could step away from the helm safely I cut the cacti and let its moisture drain into a bowl. I handed the bowl to her gesturing for her to drink it. She seemed to understand and took a small sip. She tried to hide a grimace and said a soft thank you. I nodded in response and smothered a smirk. The cacti were very bitter, but it was all I had and she would thank me later when her body did not ache.

"Do you not speak to others often," She asked abruptly ending the peaceful silence between us.

        I had to think about this question. I could not control my hands from signing but I did not want to expose the reason to her. She was not Dousan, only Dousan knew how to sign. But to not speak to her would prove to be a disaster. She had no intention of not speaking and learning. Or, was she asking if I was alone often? Which of course would be true, I prefer the company of solitude.

        She smiled and said, "It is okay. I was merely curious. Our conversation seems somewhat difficult for you."

        What? Did she think Dousan Gelflings stupid? Of course we could talk, and just fine if we wanted to. She must have seen the surprise and anger upon my face because she quickly added,

"Oh! I meant the speaking, that your voice seems strained to speak, not that you could not understand me or comprehend."

        I rolled my eyes this time. I would have to remember she was not Dousan. I had never left the sea but I knew there were other clans, very different Gelfling clans. There were Gelfling clans who had to live in water and some that could not stand to see the suns, or to be in their light. That always puzzled me, who could live without the suns and their light? The suns power our vessels, they help grow our food. I am sorrowful when the skies are dark and I cannot see the suns. It must be a gloomy life for the cave dwelling Gelflings.

"But please, continue," she offered when I did not immediately begin to speak again.

        I sighed, contemplating how to proceed. I would have to make it easy for her to understand, "Using our voices uses moisture. When we open our mouths that moisture escapes, so we do not speak if we do not have to. Instead, we communicate in other ways."


        Did she dreamfast with every random Gelfling she met? What kind of Gelfling went around dreamfasting with anyone they met simply to communicate? I shoved this thought aside. She was not Dousan. As far as I knew Dousan Gelflings were the only clans to use other forms of communication other than their voices.

"No, dreamfasting is reserved for more intimate connections. It is not an effective device for communication since it is hard to control what we dreamfast to one another."

        I was relieved when she nodded in understanding.

"Instead, we have adapted a unique way of communicating that uses our hands."

        I had to swallow hard, my throat suddenly felt dry. Very oddly dry in fact. My belly ached with fear. That ache one feels when they have done something wrong and know they will have to take responsibility for it. I had never told anyone else about the communications techniques of the Dousan Gelflings. Would the clan be angry with me? There were several who already did not like me because I was a strange loner, a story-teller of silly tales.

Eehi The Surf Raider: Eehi Meets the QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora