Chapter 5

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        My mother wished us safe sailing, winking at me before returning to her work. I simply shook my head. This was why I had not wanted a female in my life. I was now leaving my home and taking her wherever she wished to go with no knowledge of when I would return to the way of life that pleased me. I was fairly certain I would never be able to return to my life the same as I was before.

        The journey to Douran, the Dousan's main home rock, where the elders of the clan resided was only half a day's sailing with a good current to aide us. If the currents were against us, we could be at sea for several days, so I loaded thrice the water I would have normally supplied the Orahu with. My clansmen eyed Terh suspiciously, but none asked her to state her business. She was with me and I was taking her to Duoran. That was more than they already needed to know.

        When I try to remember why the Gelflings treated her so differently from other strangers, I cannot see the details of it clearly, but she was different. All Gelflings seemed to recognize this difference and not question it. She did not have to introduce herself or explain who she was, all Gelfings just seemed to know and give her the respect a queen was due. I was rather happy none questioned us too extensively. It would have only given me more to ponder as I was still trying to find reasons why I should not trust her.

    She helped where she could, but most of the time she sat out of the way and watched. I taught her what I knew of sailing and how to make the most of our food rations. But it was my life and my future she seemed most interested in. I tried to understand her and why she was so focused on the future, but I just did not see why it was so important. I was alive and happy now, in this moment. I knew it could change, I had lost loved one before, but I did not dwell on those things.

In the end, it did not matter. We just seemed to find a mutual understanding that we were different, that all Gelflings were different. And when she pondered this thought, a bright smile came back to her face and stayed with her until we docked in Douran.

I signed to her before she disappeared into the council chambers, "I will be back to escort you wherever it is you wish to go when you are done with the council."

She smiled so sweetly and her eyes seemed to sparkle with appreciation, "Oh, Eehi, thank you ever so much! I do not know how I shall ever be able to repay you for your help."

I simply nodded stiffly before turning on my heels and heading back towards the market. It would be a grueling three hours alone. I needed as much distraction as I could get and the market was the busiest place I knew. I only wished I had brought something to trade! There were always such neat things at Douran market. How I would have loved to brought my mother back a Douran weave knotter.

I sifted through cart after cart acting like I was interested in everything they had to offer until I could stand it no more. How long was this going to take? Why was I staying anyway, and why had I said I would be here to take her onward? Surely there was someone else more qualified to take her from here, and hadn't that been the plan all along? Maybe I should ask around I thought.

I turned to look at the Gelflings of the market. Where would I find the adventurous Gelflings that would revel in the chance to take the Queen on her journey? What would such a Gelfling look like? Would he need to be muscular? Bold, cocky, and conceited? No such Gelfling appeared to be at the market. These Gelflings were quiet, reserved, and interested only in their trades.

Then, like a beautiful desert mirage, I saw her coming towards me. She floated through the small crowd with a half-smile and a look of sheer determination. She was extremely persistent in her quest, which was why I was drawn to her. A queen who knew what she wanted and strove to achieve it. Beautiful. I wondered and contemplated asking if the elders had given her what she had come to them for. Instead, I waved like a fool, happy to see her.

She signed to me, "Eehi, you have been so kind and helpful when you did not have to be. I am ever so grateful, but would you now sail me to the edge of the Crystal Sea so that I may journey onward to the Spriton clans of the Dark Wood?"

I nodded yes, dumbly. Or is it numbly? I definitely felt tingly. Of course I was going to do it. She did not have to ask. I already knew I was going to be the one, why else was I still waiting around this boring little market?

Eehi The Surf Raider: Eehi Meets the QueenWhere stories live. Discover now