Ready for this?(shinee fanfic) chptr 8

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   Onew sat in the kitchen enjoying a big bucket full of fried chicken,"Mmmm."

   Everyone else was in the bedroom and most of the time Onew spent time alone as if he really cared. He heard sobbing noises coming from one of the bedrooms and Onew was curious to find out who was crying.

    Should I go check? Oh but I still have my chicken. But what if someones in trouble? Nah I have to finish my chicken. But what if somethings really happening? Nothings going on its probably just someone crying over something stupid. My chicken mmmmOnew thought taking monster bites into his chicken. The sobs grew louder and it bothered Onew so much but he couldn't just leave his chicken so he grabbed the bucket and entered the bedroom.

   He noticed Jonghyun crying wearing only his towel,"Jonghyun?"

   Jonghyun looked up and then buried his face in his hands as he weaped.

  "What happened?"Onew asked taking a bite into his chicken.

   "K-Key-"Jonghyun couldn't get his words out.

   "What about Key?"Onew asked impatiently.

   "He-he doesn't love m-me an-an-anymore,"Jonghyun sobbed even more.

   Onew sighed and sat next to Jonghyun and took out a piece of chicken,"Chicken?"

   Jonghyun shook his head sobbing. Onew lay the bucket of chicken on the ground and patted Jonghyun's wet back.

   "I don't like seeing you like this. You shouldn't be crying over something like this. Cheer up,"Onew rubbed his back comforting him in any way possible.

   Jonghyun sucked up his tears,"I'm sorry."

   "Its okay,now I think you should get up before you wet the carpet. Aren't you cold?"Onew asked.

   Jonghyun stood up,"Yeah I am."

   Onew grabbed his bucket of chicken and lay it on a dresser. Jonghyun took the towel off and dried himself as Onew watched shocked to see him naked. Onew just grabbed a shirt,pants,and underwear for Jonghyun.

   "Thank you,"Jonghyun smiled.

   Onew looked away eating the rest of the chicken thinking Key doesn't love him? Its only been like a day and already?

   Jonghyun laughed and hugged Onew from behind,"I'm glad you came."

   Onew felt a bit uncomfortable about this but he just let him hug him,''Your welcome.''

   Jonghyun remained hugging him for a while and Onew heard him sigh a couple of times. Onew turned around and gave Jonghyun a hug from the front.

  "I'm sorry,"Onew said.

  "Why?"Jonghyun asked.

  Onew broke away from the hug,"For Key."

  Jonghyun laughed a bit,"Its okay now I got over it."

   Onew laughed,"That was quick."

   Jonghyun blushed,"Well your just so good at making me smile."

    Onew smiled shyly,"I have to be honest I didn't even try."

    Jonghyun grabbed his hand,"Well I don't care."

    Onew let go of Jonghyun's hand and backed away,"I want you to know I don't like guys."

   Jonghyun looked down and walked out of the room,"Thank you Onew."

Ready for this? (shinee fanfic) chptr 1Where stories live. Discover now