The lonely girraffe

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Everything was perfect that day the sun was shining and her mother was standing beside her showing her how to eat the highest canopy on the highest branch. Her name is Lexi a young giraffe, a trainee still home taught her mother McKenzie. She went to find a water hole to refresh their hydration levels; then no one returned day after day. Whilst she waited hoping that her mom would come back to take her home.
She was well and truly abandoned, isolated in the wide landscape of the Savannah. It was dark and cold and wet but still she kept on going on, determined to find shelter for the windy sand storm that was approaching from ahead. Unprepared for the future ahead she kept on going on. The lonely giraffe wandered alone across, still trotting ahead not knowing that she was becoming more and more lost, further ahead into the empty desert becoming more and more lost. She was only a new born that had just started to learn how to walk. All other animals ignored her as they played with their own mums not interested in Lexi who was  all by herself still wondering around cluelessly. A week later she arrived at a water hole for some reason and she decided to take a sip of the reflection she saw...

The lonely GiraffeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant