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Preview of the next chapter of Corpse Ronpa for this reading it:

But I know, I know,
Life can be Beautiful.
I pray, I pray,
For a better way.

3rd Person Narrative

"The teacher ran down the hall, trying to escape the bloody hammer of one of her despairing students."

A young high school student said, somberness in her tone as she spoke, just to add fear for the other students. In which, it did. The other students had scared expressions on their faces, although their body language told the storyteller to continue.

"In a rush to get away from the murderous student, she began to rush down the stairs. But, while in the midst of getting down, she missed a step and began to tumble down, breaking her neck in the process." She added, pausing to add a dramatic effect.

A little too long.

"C-come on, Ayumi!"
"Then what happened?"
"I don't like this story..."

Her fellow classmates' questions were a buzz of fear. But Ayumi Shinozaki took a deep breath, then exhaled, words coming out of her mouth.

"The student soon found her pale lifeless body, and fell into an even darker and bloodier despair. Now, on stormy days like this, at this very time, you can hear the teacher looking for her students down the hall." Just as she finished her sentence, a loud thud was heard, followed by moaning and groaning.

It was a female who said it.

"Students, class has already started, you don't want you get into trouble, now do you?"

The students erupted into fear and panic. Was that the teacher? Was she going to get them? Should I have stayed with Ayumi after-school? Their confusion created even more panic.

A blonde male looked over to the storyteller. "Cut the crap, Ayumi! This isn't funny!" The blonde, whose name was Yoshiki Kishinuma, said to the storyteller known as Ayumi.

"I-I swear this isn't me!" Ayumi protested, an expression of feat on her face.

Then the lights went out.

"Uwahhhhhhh!!!!" The students chorused, frantically looking at one another.

"W-what THE HELL?!"
"I don't like this!!!"
"It's the scary ghost lady teacher!!!"

A brunette by the name of Satoshi Morishige went to the wall. "Lemme find the switch!" He cried.

Yoshiki looked back at Ayumi. "Did you plan this?' He questioned.

"N-no!" She replied. Then the dotr slid open, which caused Satoshi to jump and fall on his butt in fear, trying to back himself away.


The teacher of their class exclaimed, nearly scaring the students to death. Satoshi struggled to get back up from how bad he was shaking.

"M-Ms. Yui!!!” The students cried, nearly tackling her in a hug

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