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I know it's not easy--I know you struggle so much in handling your self,I know you cry a lot because you keep on blaming yourself,I know the feeling of being tortured by your own mind,I know its so hard to mute yourself,I know you keep on doing and repeating the same thing and you feel so
horrible about yourself!,and you can't change your same bad habits because your mind telling you to do it again and again,and the most difficult thing is that --You are fighting and battling with yourself!

I know these feelings ,because we are the same :)

And here I am,telling you to not give up,I admit that sometimes I just want to give up and end this struggle by hurting myself,but guess what? there's always a light that gives me hope that gives me motivation to not give up!

And it's God,I know everything happens for a reason,Maybe this is just a test in our faith--Will we fight for our faith or we will lose our faith.

But one thing for sure,God knows all of our struggles,He knew everything in our heart and in our mind also,God is so powerful that he knew everything that we feel,and most of all God is merciful and God is love :)

In this battle ,In our battle ,I believe God is always with us :)
God is fighting for His children,and His children is us,So let's also fight and not give up--We have to rely in God's plan.

For God already knows the best for us,let's trust in Him and smile even we face a dark stormy seas in our lives.

To God be always the glory!

Bare with the wrong grammar and wrong spelling hehe,English was not my mothertounge,but one thing is for sure I love you and GOD LOVE YOU!!

Open letter to those who Suffer in OCDWhere stories live. Discover now