Out of the Blue- Chapter 9

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***yes im doing two in one night! your welcome:P! I havnt been editing so sorry for the terrible errors! What ever would i do without spell check! This has some action in it though:) OH and P.S- I would love it if some would start being my fans or voteing or commenting! Anything would be nice but of course you dont have too:)***

I was getting ready for my date, when i started to think about how Caspain would feel about this. How would he feel about me going out when i already had a run in with Gabriel and he said he would be back, or implied it at least. Or how he would feel if he knew i was going to be spending a movie with somone i didnt know, or if- No. No. No.No. I do not care what he thinks. I need to stop thinking about him, i dont even like  him!

I sighed to my self in my mental war with my self and looked at me in the mirror. I decided to wear my teal skinny jeans, my flowy black shirt with a flower on the shoulder, a teal birre type hat and grey half gloves. My hair I fiddled with untill it was streight with my side banges fliped to the right. Just then the door bell rang and i dencended the stairs tripping on my black converse. Smooth, i thought to my self. Putting them on i ran out the door to see Izzy's baby blue prious parked in my bumpy drive way. As i walked to her door, I got a icy, sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. Im being silly, everything will be fine. I took a deep breath in and puffed out while opening the door. "Hey girl! You look h.o.t HOT!" Izzy said while turning down the raido."Dito!" i said. As she chattted away the whole ride, i zoned out and thought about how it was kinda nice to get out of the house, and start having fun with my friends, dateing and all. Finally we pulled into the parking lot of the Woodbrook Movie Theater. I looked out to see a big line of people.Some couples holding hands or clinging to each other for warmth in the cold air while they wait, or some children chaseing eachother around the green slotch of grass by the doors while mothers try and round them up. "Ready to do this?" Izzy asked excitedly. "Yep!" I said. We both checked out makeup and hair in the flip down mirrors and got out. The theater had sort of a 80's look to it with its baby blue and pink tiles on the out side  leading to the ticket booths and the muffled speakers when you went to order your ticket.

Izzy pulled me out of my thoughts as seh gripped my arm and shouted "They'r they are Alex!" she pointed to the two figures standing in line in the distance. "Are you nervous?" she asked as we quickly headed twords them. "No!" yes. "Good! Dont be! Hes gunna love you!!" she jumped up and down like a child. From where i could see now, i saw one had black hair and one had blond hair. And a stance that looked vegly familiar. As me and Izzy got closer, i realized why the hair and stance seemed familar. My steps slowed and my insides froze. Gabriell.  "Whats the matter Alex? You stopped walking." Izzy said curiously. "Oh, um dude i totaly forgot to do some, um chores! My mom would kill me if i didnt do them when she told me to get them done before i left!" I started to turn around but she quickly re-looped her arm around mine. "HA! I knew you were nervous! But you cant bail on me now! ITs not fair!" Izzy whined and gave me her best puppy dog eyes. Shes right. Its not fair to leave her with this possible dangerous guy. Boyfrined or not, she is still in danger. So i started to walk again, every step heavyer than the last, feeling like a walk down the aile. Only this wasnt to a wonderful wedding, more like a tourcherous tomb.

***Cliff hanger! :3**

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