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[New and edited chapter]

Mickey Mouse, the supposed rat that had pathetically followed a peculiar girl despite her not wanting anything to do with him, tried to calm his heart after all the running. Unfortunately, the girl had escaped the circus tent he owned, so she also managed to escape from his sight.

Another anthropomorphic animal with no pants jogged to the mouse with a conflicted face. "Hey, Mick? What the hell were you chasing? That goddamn thing seemed blurry when I tried to get a good look at 'em," they quacked as he also tried to calm his duck heart.

Between breaths, Mickey described the person and explained the situation in detail. To his surprise, his companion narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "When I see them, I'm calling the damn cops!" The mouse asked him for his reasoning, which the duck gladly answered. "That damn bitch was in our property uninvited, and she threw water at you for no reason! You should take advantage of your fame and capture the bitch! I ain't letting that woman mess with us! Fuck that!"

Mickey blinked before scolding at his long-time friend about his language.


The young girl crouched behind a wall as she stared at the large tent that she escaped from five days ago. She learned to hide away from the anthropomorphic creatures that she encountered every few minutes by hiding her figure with a newspaper. In the end, the girl knew she had to find a way to fit in the society without revealing her true identity. Luckily, she recalled the hair headband that had been left where she appeared in the first place. "That hair headband might slightly convince others to believe I am not an extraterrestrial," the girl thought out loud before placing the newspaper over her head and keeping her face down, running to her destination.

'It can't be that hard to get,' she thought.


Mickey had a puzzled face, yet he managed to realize who was sitting on the chair in front of him. 

"Hey, you're that girl who threw water at me," Mickey mumbled, pointing at the said person, who had ropes tied around her form. She paused for a few seconds to ponder about what she should answer with, but in the end, she ended up simply rocking back and forth to try to escape.

"We didn't introduce ourselves properly when we met," Mickey said, closing the door and taking a seat on a chair in front of her. Finally noticing the ropes around her, he forced a smile and clutched his knees, promising to yell at his friends for treating the woman badly.

"I don't plan to either since I don't share my name to strangers," she growled.

His eyes widen, "Oh! I apologize! That must've sounded wrong then. Let me rephrase that-"

"Just quit your yapping, will you? My name is [Name]."

"Er, my name is Mickey!" he exclaimed, taking his hand out. The girl, now known as [Name], looked at his gloved hands and scoffed, "What? Are you expecting me to get rid of these ropes and shake your hand before tying the ropes up myself? You're very thick for a kidnapper." Mickey looks at his hands and flinches, "N-NO! This is not a kidnapping! I don't know why my friends went overboard and tied you up, I swear! I didn't want this to happen!"

Ignoring whatever the mouse was saying, the girl shifted from the chair. "Can you let me go now? I have somewhere to go to," [Name] said, glaring at the mouse.

Nodding, they run to the door and slam it open, leaving the scared girl alone. When a few seconds passed, a humanoid duck entered the room. "You!" The girl yelled with widened eyes.

When she went to get the hair headband, he was the one that captured her by leaping onto her. Not only was she surprised at the fact that someone jumped on her, she also flinched when she recognized her favorite cartoon character. It was far more bothersome to see that her favorite character held a crowbar with his two hands, ready to knock her out on her chair. "I'm here to properly fuck you up, bitch," he growled before raising his crowbar. Though, he paused when her heard a familiar voice.

"Donald, stop!" yelled the mouse.

"Are you crazy? They look young, yet you're treating them as if they're some type of criminal!" explained the shaking mouse as he tried to pull the crowbar away. The duck exhaled deeply, "They are a criminal, Mick!"

"NO, NO! They didn't do anything too severe to be considered a criminal! Could you please go, Donald? I don't think it would be the best decision to have you around her," the mouse explained, gesturing the girl that was behind him. "Fine," said Donald, begrudgingly leaving the mouse and the human alone.

Quickly, Mickey tried his best to get cut the ropes with a pocket knife. "I'm really sorry for everything! You must be so scared! Oh, it's my fault! I ran after you, which unintentionally made everyone become hostile toward you! I'm so sorry!"

After he managed to get her out of the ropes, he looked at anything but her. "Before this happened, I wanted to ask you a question. Do you perhaps live near the area? Not to be rude, but you seem... homeless," Mickey stuttered.

[Name] stared at him before shaking her head. "No, I don't have a place to stay."

"As a way to apologize for everything, you can live with us! We'll be staying here for another month. You can use us as a Motel!" For [Name], it was shocking for someone to simply let a stranger live in their home. "Really?" [Name] asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, there's a spare guest room here! You could stay there until the month passes. You also have the option to decide if you want to continue living with us while we travel around the world. Don't worry about your secret. We'll keep it hidden," he explained. The girl stares into his eyes for a few seconds before nodding. "Alright, I'll take your offer. Just understand that there will probably be a time where I will have my own life."

He smiles and nods.

A/n- thx so much for reading and supporting my story even if it's trash. 

Thx again and see you guys soon

Bacon out ➡

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