IV. You!

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I ignored him and went to the aisle where the bandages are located.

???: Heeey!

《Fudgenuggets! I guess I have no choice. I don't want to be rude to the visitors.》

Sora: H-Hey. Yo. Uh... wassup?

???: The name's Ryu. Ryu Nahm, 27 years old.

Sora: S-Sora. Sora Akiyama, 27.

《Then he offered his hand for a handshake.》

Ryu: Nice to meet you.

《I grasped his hand and we shook hands then he smiled while I gave him a blank face.》

Ryu: This is a nice place, you know.

《He said as I ignored him and took some bandages on the stall. Then I walked towards the counter.》

Ryu: We'll take the dog back soon enough, Sora.

《I stopped and looked at his face. I feel like I have seen him before.》

Sora: Sorry for the random question. But... have we met before?

Ryu: ...Maybe... maybe not...

《I remember now! He was the stranger who came to my house the other day.》

Ryu: See ya.

《Then he left the store.》

Cashier: That would be 40 credits sir.

Sora: W-wait! Ryu!

《I paid for the bandages and tried to catch up with Ryu but when I got out of the store, he was already gone.》

Dang it! What does he mean by taking the dog back? Are they the owners of the dog? Then why didn't he just took Pachi away from me the day he came to my house? Does it mean I have to say goodbye to Pachi?

I sighed and just went back to the clinic. Doctor Yoo must be waiting for these bandages.


Doctor Yoo's P.O.V.

I think this dog is not gonna make it, sad to say. Tsk! I'm so disappointed in myself. In 10 years of experience, this is gonna be the 20th animal I have yet to lose. Sigh, it's probably the time for this dog to rest. This dog has probably been through a lot.

Sora: Sir! I got the bandages.

Dr. Yoo: Just... put it there.

Sora: Is the dog gonna make it?

Dr. Yoo: No.

Sora: ...

Dr. Yoo: This dog lost so much blood yesterday, and it doesn't wanna eat. I tried everything, it didn't work.

《I just let the dog rest.》


Sora's P.O.V.

Doctor Yoo just sat on the couch, frustrated. Suddenly, someone opened the door.

???: Dad?

《Dad? I turned to look at the door. Shucks! It's her.》

Dr. Yoo: Shimizu? What are you doing here? I told you that you shouldn't come here at working hours.

《Shimizu? So her name is Shimizu.》

Shimizu: Y-You!

《She pointed at me.》

Sora: Yah. It's me. Hey, it's you.

Shimizu: What are YOU doing here?

Sora: I work here bruh.

Shimizu: No you don't.

Dr. Yoo: Yes he does.

Shimizu: No.

Sora: I do. By the way, I'm really sorry about earlier. It was an accident. I didn't know you were there.

Shimizu: Don't apologize to me!

Sora: Huh?

Dr. Yoo: Shhh! You two, get out.

Shimizu: But-

Dr. Yoo: Out.

Shimizu: Sorry.

Sora: Me too?

Dr. Yoo: Yah. You too.


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