XIII. Konohana

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Sora's P.O.V.

It's a brand new day.

Sora: Pa- (Oh right, he's gone.)

《Pachi used to barge into my room every morning.》

Sora: <yawn> I'm all alone again. (Hmm, what should I cook for breakfast?)

《I went to my kitchen area.》

Knock~ Knock~ Knock~

Sora: Hm? Who is it?!~

《I opened the door.》

Luvias: Mornin' Sora...

Sora: Oh! G-Good morning Ms. Luvias~ <smile>

Luvias: Actually, It's not a good morning...

Sora: Why?

Luvias: Unfortunately, someone just passed away last night...

Sora: Huh? Who?

Luvias: Dr. Yoo's father just passed away due to old age...

Sora: Eh? R-Really?

Luvias: M-hm... <nods> Come at church later at noon...


As I entered the church, the first thing I saw was Ryu crying over his grampa's coffin.

Luvias: Oh you're here Sora, the mass was already over.

Sora: Sorry I'm late.

《I saw Dr. Yoo sitting on the front row so I sat beside him.》

Sora: Dr. Yoo, I'm sorry for your loss...

《He nodded. Then Shimizu came over and sat beside me.》


Shimizu: I feel so bad for Ryu...


Shimizu: He's been crying since last night...

Sora: ... (Lol, I dunno what to say) Uh... it must be painful for him...?


《Then she just kept silent until the funeral was over. I left as soon as the funeral was over.》

Luvias: You're leaving Sora?

Sora: Yeah.

Luvias: Okay, be safe.

Sora: Sure.

Luvias: Wait! I just want to remind you that the Moon Viewing Festival is coming near.

Sora: Yeah? Well, you want me to do something?

Luvias: Nope, it's just that perhaps maybe if you don't have someone to celebrate it with, you could come at my house and join us with my family.

Sora: No thanks. <smile>

《I went back home and lied down on my bed.》

Sora: <sigh> Moon Viewing Festival eh? The time of the year where the moon gets big and lights up the night... people in this town tend to celebrate this event with someone they like... I wonder if I should ask someone out this time... hmmm, maybe I should ask Mary out since she seem to be a good friend of mine... or hmmm...

《I kept thinking and thinking about the event until I fell asleep.》


Author's P.O.V.

After 4 days, As Sora went to the beach lodge, he saw Shimizu by the dock with Inu. He approached her and they talked about how she felt so guilty because she never appreciated his grampa's love for her.

Sora: Hey, cheer up. It already happened and you have learned your lesson. Sooo, I guess you should move on?

Shimizu: Hmm... I dunno... it has only been 4 days, I don't think I can move on that easily.

Sora: Take your time then, I'll get going.

Shimizu: Where are you going?

Sora: I'm going to Konohana.

Shimizu: Can I come with you?

Sora: Uhm... sure?

Shimizu: Yes! Okay, wait for me. I'll just leave Inu at the Inn.

《Sora and Shimizu went to Konohana. Going to Konohana from Bluebell takes up 30 minutes of walk. Konohana is like an acquaintance of Bluebell. Konohana has a rural Asian-style setting with unpaved roads and cozy houses. The town isn't as centeralized as Bluebell and there is lots of space around the houses for their fields. Crops are a specialty in Konohana and most everyone is growing some sort of vegetable or fruit tree.》

Shimizu: Wooow, this place looks nice. So many fields. You go to this place often?

Sora: Yep. I come here to deliver and take some orders as my sideline.

???: Soraaa~

Shimizu: Hm?

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