Chapter 1.

200 7 3

Writen on:June 9, 2017

Word count:1,219

~The most sincere feelings are the hardest to be expressed by words~

I rolled over exhausted in my bed leaning off the side towards my nightstand to turn my alarm off while groaning. I sat up and turned to where my delicate feet made contact with my soft cream carpet then rubbed my eyes with my fists. I streached my arms back behind my head while yawning and  standing up walking over to the bathroom me and my older brother shared. We lived in a two bedroom and one bathroom apartment, It wasn't the nicest place but it also wasn't the worst. It was all we could afford with my brothers job and my part time job at the dinner a couple blocks away.

I walked into the bathroom shutting the cheep, flimsey door while locking it like it would be able to keep anyone out. I turned on the water in the shower to let it start warming up while I got undressed. I stripped out of my pajamas and stepped into the shower letting the warm water cascade down my body while I closed my eyes. I had always loved standing under the warm water in the shower ever since I was little, It always soothed me even when my brother couldn't. The water ran down my soft skin in vine like patterns, I know my brother would never let me but I have always wanted a vine tattooed around one of my thighs and my hip. I shook my head shaking my thoughts of getting a tattoo and grabbed my shampoo. I washed my hair and my body before shaving and turning off the water.

I pulled back the curtain and grabbed my favorite purple fluffy towel and dried my hair. Then wrapped the towel  around my body before unlocking and opening the door stepping out of the steam filled bathroom. I walked across the hall into my room and shut the door so that I could get ready for the long Monday ahead of me. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a grey and white hoodie some black pants and my white low top converse. I quickly threw them on before unplugging my phone, grabbing my backpack and walking back to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, put on deodorant and threw my hair up in a messy bun before heading into the kitchen.

When I walked into the kitchen my brother was standing at the counter while his jerk of a friend Jae sat at the Island where me and my brother would eat out tv dinners everynight and talk about our day. Lark looked like he was furious and depressed all at the same time, and Jae just looked the same as he always does. I swear that boy never has any emotion it's like he's a mannequin, which would explain why I feel so uncomfortable around him considering the fact that I hate mannequins. 

I walk over to the refrigerator to find somehing to eat for breakfast, I rummage around for a couple of minuets before deciding on some yogurt.

"Hey sis?" I turn around when I hear my brother talking to me.


"Ummmm" He rubs the back of his neck before continuing on

"I.. uh I'm moving across country for a couple of months" He finishes while looking down at the linoleum floor.

"WHAT!?" I shout as I almost drop my yogurt on the floor, while he glances over in Jae's direction. Jae rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to speak before I shout at my brother.

"Why are you moving, when am I going to go!?"

"If you would shut your trap and let me speak you would find out" Jae's deep voice spoke as I whipped my head over to his direction.

"Okay then tell me!" I shouted a little quiter than I did towards my brother. I have to admit Jae does scare me a little but I would never tell him that information.

"You're staying with me for the time being, after school today I'll  drive back here so you can pack up all your things and then I'll take you back to my place so you can set up and get used to your new room." He stated calmly.

I stared at him in shock before lifting my hand up and making it come in contact with my brothers face while tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. I can't cry not now, I can't show weakness I have to be strong.

"Why are you leaving me especially with him! You know I don't feel safe with anyone besides you and Karly so why are you making me stay with him!?" I tried to yell at him but I just croaked it out before dropping my gaze to the floor.

"Do you not rember what happened last time I trusted a guy other than you?" I pleaded while a tear slide down my right cheek before I wiped it off the sleeve of my hoodie.

"Sis.. don't think like that, Jae would never do something like that" He said as he looked down at me with his glazed over eyes.

"I don't want to leave but I have no choice anymore, I'm leaving in a couple of hours and  I'll be back in a couple of months I promise" He said trying while pulling me into his arms to try and soothe me.

I pushed him off of me before staring back up into his grey eyes which he inhereted from our father.  "You know who else promised that they'd be back!? HUH!? Mom and dad and did they ever make it back!?" I yelled at him as my voice broke. I had lost all control and started shoving and hitting him. "I thought you were diffrent but you're gonna leave just like everyone else did!" I screamed at him between sobs.

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist before they picked me up making my back come in contact with thier firm chest. He wouldn't put me down no matter what I did, I hit, kicked, screamed for over five minuets but nothing was working so I just gave up.

"Jae can you please just put me down?" I asked softly before he gently set me down.

"Look sis I'm sor.." My brother tried to say before I cut him off.

"It's fine just go. I'm gonna go take a shower and lay down because I can't handle school today after that." I spoke quietly before I walked  out of the kitchen then walking back into the bathroom. I didn't even bother locking the door since it wouldn't matter anyways as I turned the water on, stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the shower. I sat under the water for what felt like hours crying about everything until the water got cold. I stepped out of the shower wrapped a towel around myself and locked myself in my room. I walked over to my bed  and collapsed on it while I passed out with just a towel on.

A/N- Sorry for not updating in a while but I just thought of a new plot for a story and I thought it was really good so I decided to start a new book. I hope you enjoy it! Please vote and comment I would really appriciate it!:)

Xoxo Madi

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