Precure vs Bad End Generals

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Miyuki was with Wolfrun, Akane was with an Akanbe,Yayoi was with Akaoni, Nao was with Majorina and Reika was with Joker.

With Miyuki and Wolfrun
Cure Happy kept on shooting him but Wolfrun just kept blocking them. WolfRun dodged a bolt of light at her and it made her fall down onto the ground. Cure Happy didn't give up yet so she got back up. "Happy Shower!" she yelled and made her hands look like a heart and a pink heart appeared inside,then she shot Wolfrun which made him fall down hard onto the ground. "I am not loosing to you this time!" he shouted and got back up.

With Akanbe and Akane

"Akanbe!" yelled Akanbe trampling over Cure Sunny. "Ugh! Get off me you buffoon!" she yelled and tried to blast him but he didn't move. Akane became tired and was about to give up until she thought of something. "Hey Akanbe over there!" she shouted. Akanbe looked over and was confused. "Sunny Fire!" she shouted and jumped up and then aimed it at Akanbe. "AKANBE!" Akambe yelled and fell down. "Akanbe...." Akanbe sighed and fell down in defeat.

With Yayoi and Akaoni

"AH!" yelled Cure Peace as she fell down after getting shot. "Heh,there is no way you're defeating me!" Akaoni shouted. Cure Peace sighed and got up. "I'm not letting you win!" Peace said trying to get up. "I've already won" smirked Akaoni. "Are you sure?" said Peace. "Peace Thunder!" she yelled and started spinning around which caused thunder and knocked Akaoni down. "Now I think I've won" she giggled. "I'm not going to loose, I am going to win!" mumbled Akaoni.

With Majorina and Nao

"Give up Cure March,you're no match for my magic!" said Majorina glaring at March. "Ugh,you can never make me give up,or hurt me or my'll have to go past ME!" shouted March. She stood up and stared at "March Shot!" she yelled and kicks a soccer ball made out of wind and it hits Majorina causing her to loose balance and she falls down. "Told ya" she said flying down next to Majorina. "You think you're stronger then me,don't you?" Majorina said to March.

With Reika and Joker.

Cure Beauty and Joker were sword fighting until Beauty's sword broke and she was in a corner once Joker shot a card at her. "Haha,give up cure beauty" said Joker as he walked over to her and put a sword up to her chest. "I won't give up until I say I want to give up" she said to herself. "Beauty Blizzard!"she formed a snow flake as Joker backed away from her and shot the snowflake which hit Joker and made him fall over. "Argh! Cure Beauty!" he yelled and got back up.

{Miyuki and WolfRun}

WolfRun got up and ran over to Happy as she was applauding herself and high fiving candy until she noticed Wolfrun was running at her. Happy picked up candy and ran. "AHHHHHHH!" squealed both Happy and Candy. Happy ran even faster and ended up running in circles once WolfRun started aiming bolts at her feet. "Stop running and just fight me!" WolfRun yelled angrily. Wolfrun catches up to Happy and shoots her feet causing Happy to fall dropping candy. "Run Candy!" shouted Happy. Happy scooted up against a wall. Wolfrun tried shooting bolts of magic at her but misses because Happy was moving around a lot. Wolfrun shot her once Happy became tired. "HAPPY!" yelled Candy.

{Akanbe and Akane}

Sunny became tired of fighting Akanbe. Sunny tries to fight back. "Sunny Fi-" she got cut off by Akanbe trying to capture her. Akanbe grabbed her. "Let me go!" Sunny demanded. Sunny punched Akanbe's fist but he wouldn't let go. Instead Akanbe threw her into a wall. "Ah!" Sunny screamed. In pain,Sunny tries to get up but Akanbe picks her up again and throws her against the wall again. Sunny pants and then falls over. "Ah!" she cries when she tries to get up,but instead,she stays down.

{Yayoi and Akaoni}

"Cure Peace!" shouted Akaoni. Peace looks behind her and sees Akaoni. "AH!" she yells and starts running. Akaoni grabs her before she gets far. "You don't want to know what I do to yellow precures don't you." threatened Akaoni. "I really don't.". "Then be a good girl and let me win!" yelled Akaoni as her threw Peace to the ground. Akaoni tries hitting Yayoi with is bat thingy but Peace keep moving around. She ends up getting hit in the back with it and falls over. Tired and hurt,Peace lays there lifeless.

{Majorina and Nao}

Majorina kicks March to the side and blasts her. "Ahhh!" screamed March. "Ow ow ow ok that hurts!" she said to herself. Majorina blasted her which makes March crash into a wall. "That hurts even more..." said March. March does the same move as before but Majorina just dodges it back at March causing March to falls over. "Hehehe,give up Cure March,I told you,my magic is better then your soccer ball magic" she said as she cupped her hand around Cure March's chin then dropped it.

{Reika and Joker}

Beauty Sighs and lands on her knees. "Phew glad that's over with" she mumbles to herself. She felt someone's hands on her shoulder. "Are you sure Cure Beauty?" Joker said as he disappeared once Beauty turns around. "Come out!" she demanded. She felt something move against her back. "Gah! Joker!" she said as she got pushed down. She tried to fly back up but joker grabs her leg and she down. She scoots up against a corner and stands up. Joker smiles at her and puts his hands against the wall on both sides. "This is the end...Cure Beauty!" said Joker.


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