Princess Time!

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{Miyuki and Wolfrun}

"Miyuki! Please please wake up!" Candy begged. One eye opened of Cure Happy's. "Candy....." Happy said softly. "Time to finish you off!" Wolfrun announced. "Princess Mode?" asked Happy. "Princess Mode" Candy nodded.

{Akanbe and Akane}

Akane groaned. "Akanbe!" shouted Akanbe. "Gah!" shouted Sunny as she tried getting up. "Think think think Sunny!" she mumbled to herself. "Princess Mode!" she said.

{Yayoi and Akaoni}

Yayoi layed on the ground in defeat. Tears formed in her eyes. "Is it....going to end like this..." she cried to herself. She soon then smiled. "Princess Mode!" she shouted.

{Majorina and Nao}

"Time to end this, Cure March!"she announced. March was stuck in a corner. Majorina cackled. "I won't give up...never...ever." she reminded herself. "Princess Mode!" she yelled.

{Reika and Joker}

"I'm not going to let him win...I'm not..." she mumbled. "Give up? Cure Beauty." he laughed. Then she thought of something. "Princess Mode" she yelled


"Pegasus, grant us your power!" they all yelled out

"Princess Happy!"

"Princess Sunny!"

"Princess Peace!"

"Princess March!"

"Princess Beauty!"

"Pretty Cure Princess Form!"

{Miyuki and Wolfrun}

"What The?!" shouted Wolfrun! "Yay!" yelled out Candy. Princess Happy shot out bolts of magic. "To finish this!" shouted Princess Happy. "Happy Shower Shining!" she yelled out and blasted Wolfrun. There layed Wolfrun,tired and confused. He wasn't able to fight anymore."Ok, ok,I give give up!" he said embarrassed.

{Akanbe and Akane}

AKANBE?!" he shouted,obviously confused. Princess Sunny shot out fire looking bolts at Akanbe. "LET'S DO THIS THANG!" yelled Princess Sunny. "Sunny Fire Burning!" she yelled and caused Akanbe to surrender.

{Yayoi and Akaoni}

"What The heck!" Akaoni said as he got hit by a yellow bolt of lightning. "For the finale" Princess Peace announced. "Peace Thunder Hurricane" which made Akaoni run but was too late. "Gah!" whined Akaoni.

{Majorina and Nao}

"Why?! What?!" Majorina cried out once she saw a bolt of green light. "But...How?!" she cried. "Let's finish...shall we?" said Princess March. "March Shoot Impact!" she yelled as she spins causing a gust of wind to form making Majorina cower up in a corner.

{Reika and Joker}

"What?! Impossible?!" cried Joker as he got hit by a blue bolt of light. "Let's end this!" yelled Princess Beauty."Beauty Blizzard Arrow!" she yelled and shot a icy blue light at Joker.


They all returned to Earth.
Princess Happy stood over Wolfrun, Princess Sunny stood now over the smaller Akanbe, Princess Peace stood over Akaoni, Princess March stood over Majorina and Princess Beauty stood over Joker.

"What do we do now Happy?" Peace asked her. "I...don't really know." Happy said. "Should we kill them?" Sunny asked Happy. "Let's not be harsh Sunny." Beauty said. "Please, don't hurt us, we never wanted to do this." Wolfrun said. "Why should we believe you guys?" March crossed her arms. "Because, we really mean it." Akaoni whined. "Should we believe them?" Beauty questioned. "I...don't know. They seem like they're telling the truth...." Happy sat down down next to Wolfrun. "Are you guys truly sorry?" Happy him. "Yes. Please give us one more chance." Wolfrun begged. Happy giggled. She placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him. Wolfrun blushed but kissed back. Sunny hugged the Akanbe, March did the same with Majorina. Peace kissed Akaoni's forehead and Beauty kissed Joker softly on the lips. "Thank you..." The bad end generals said. "You're Welcome...~"

I changed it because it kinda sucked
Credit to xxxDaniChanxxx and I forgot how to spell her name dangit

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