A night in a cupcake

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Jade's POV:

So here we were. In the middle of the night, on a street we never heard of. It was dark outside, like 2:30 am. We didn't exactly know, because Andre threw Robbie's Pear Pad out of the window. Yeah, strange thing. I just knew, we had to sit here and wait. A few minutes ago Beck and Andre have left the Cupcake because they wanted to look for help. One car tire had bursted while we were on our way to the "Parade Parade". Whatever. It was so freaking boring in here.

The door opened and our two boys were running inside the.. well, let's call it car. Cat, our cute little red head, and Robbie with his stupid puppet were shouting.

"Beck, you're okay?", I asked him. "It's okay, babe. I please you, don't go out! The people there are CRAZY! Even crazier than you are."

"What was that supposed to mean?!"

"Nothing babe, it's fine."

I just through a warning look at him. Everybody went silent. Everyone was waiting for Sikowitz who has gone out surching for help. Like one hour ago!

"Damn, this is boring. I'm going to look for Sikowitz now." I stood up and made my way to the door.

"You're not!"

"Yes I am!"

"Well, I can't do anything against it... Please be carefull... Okay?"

"Okay.", I whisper and leave the car.

I made my way through the bushes. Why? Because there was a street behind it. Well, at least it sounded like one.

"Jade, wait!"

"Tori?! What are you doing here? Get back into the... cupcake!"

"I won't unless you come with me."

"What do you care? I'm mean to you, you have to hate me!"

"I don't hate you. I can't."

"Yes you can. And... who let you out of that track?"

"I let myself out? I don't need anyone for doing that."

"Beck must have been veeeeery against you going outside in the middle of the night in this... quarter."

"OOhh... Now I know what's wrong. You're jealous. You don't have to. I'm not into Boys. Get it?"

It goes silent. The only thing to hear is the street which is only a few steps away.

"Please go back. This is not save."

"No! I'll never go alone back to the truck or whatever it is."

"Okay, look. Let's make it like this: We go back together and I'll run to the next gass station to buy a new car tire. Now come on."

"Wh.. No! I won't let you run around alone here. I fucking care about you! Don't you get that?!"

"Nah, not really."

"Damn Jade!" She leaned over and kissed me. I stayed there in shock. What happened? The next thing I did was that I stood up and walked along in direction of the street. I didn't saw the big car in front of me. The door opend and a man draged me in. Everything went black. Nothing but darkness and silence.

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