What happened?

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Jade's P.O.V.:

I wake up without any feeling of time or place. My head's throbbing what makes it hard for me to open my eyes. I try to recall what happened. All I remember is Tori. Her smile and the worry in her eyes. I know she tried to stop me from going to the gas station alone. That's the last image in my memory before everything went dark.
I give myself another try and slowly open my eyes to let them cope with the light floating the room I seem to be in. When my eyes adjust to the brightness I finally can see where I am. The walls are plane white, just a single picture of a sunflower with a blue background decorating them. On my right is a bedside table. And oh right, I'm currently lying in a big comfortable hospital bed. Now I remember. The headlights pointing directly in my direction coming closer within milliseconds. Then a loud crash. The pain in my head and left arm. Somebody must have called the ambulance. Tori was with me. Where is she? I am alone in this room. Are the others alright? Did something happen to them? The monitor beside me beeps a bit faster now. My heartbeat is going up but I try to calm myself down again. Breath in and out. Slowly in and out again. What a surprise.
After a few minutes the door opens and a middle-aged man enters. He is kinda tall, maybe around 40 years old. His shirt is neatly tucked in his pants and he wears a long white Doctor's smock with his name embroidered: Dr. Med. Hastings.
I'm not sure wether I like him or not. He seems professional but he has the potential to be a really moody guy.
"Good Morning Miss West. I'm Dr. Hastings. How are you feeling? You had an accident. What is the last thing you remember?"
His voice is deep but not in a creepy kind of way. A little disappointing, not gonna lie. Also I feel like Dr. Hastig is shouting and that's hurting my brain...
"I'm good, just a headache. I remember the accident clearly but what happened before is kinda blurry. Where is my stuff?"
I have to make sure my scissors are alright. What if one of them broke or is bend in the wrong way like the one time that human bird Sinjin sat on one of my babies. I'm still mad at him.
"All you had with you when you were transported to the hospital is safe stored in the closet right here.", he says and points to the light brown wooden locker on my left. I haven't noticed it yet.
"Your friends are waiting outside. Do you want them to come in?"
I think about it for a second and decide to get it over with because most of them won't leave me alone anyways. So I nod. He quickly checks my vitals, says goodbye and leaves the room to call my friends in. Yes, my friends. I would never admit it, but they mean a lot to me. Even Tori Vega I always claim to despise. And Cat our little redhead is someone I couldn't imagine my life without right now.
The door swings open and the first thing I see are a bundle of velvet red hair. Like I haven't just thought about her. After her in line are entering Beck, Andre, Trina -always has to be where nobody invited her-, Robbie with Rex and the last one to come in is Tori. Something in my mind is shouting at me for forgetting something important. But I have no clue. There's something about Tori...

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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