tears and fears

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zayn led louis out of the library with harry yelling after them to stay and let him explain. louis's head spun and he couldn't see anything. he was swirling in a black abyss as zayn tugged his hand away from harry. louis could hear white noise and was lost in his own world.

how could harry do this...?

i thought....

i started to like him...


love him....

i let him do all that stuff to me ...!

i can't believe i let myself fall for this ....!

i hate myself

i hate niall

....i hate harry.....

"louis, babe, please let me explain...you don't understand....!!" harry yelled after louis as he grabbed the boy's other hand that was limply dangling by his side.

in an instant louis was pulled from his thoughts into reality. louis's face crumpled and he fell to the floor throwing harry's hand off him.

zayn quickly knelt down to louis "love cmon you gotta get up we gotta leave."

louis didn't know what to do...the guy he was in love with was getting a blowjob from his ex best friend...what the fuck?

louis wouldn't get up so zayn picked him up and louis quickly clung onto his like a koala bear. louis's hands were digging into zayn's shoulders and his body was shaking. 

louis had never experienced anything close to this so he was taking it hard. his sheltered life was crashing down. he was lost and didn't know where to go.

harry tried to grab louis's hand again but zayn slapped it away "get the fuck away from him, you have no right to touch him. he was too good for you anyway. i can treat him so much better than you" zayn gritted out with blazing eyes at harry. harry's eyes widened and louis's grip softened

"i can treat him so much better than you"

okay now louis was definitely lost and confused but he didn't care he just wanted to get away from harry louis pulled on zayn's shirt "zayn p-please..." louis said with watering eyes and a quivering lip. zayn hugged and started to walk away.

"louis...don't go...i love you!!" harry shouted. as soon as those words came out of his mouth he had to take a step back. of course he was in love with louis. that sweet innocent boy. how did he not realize this sooner ? louis now wanted nothing to do with him though....

"what a drama queen...if he can't handle a little heartbreak how is he gonna go on the rest of his life..?" niall said smirking. harry was gonna go punch him but he stopped when he realized nialls eyes were watering as the pale boy tried to hold back tears.

harry grunted in frustration and stomped away trying to go find his boy.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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