It was pointless

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We were pointless.
Every word you spat at me was beautiful. And they made me feel everything with you.
Guilt. Lust. Anger. Lonely. Confidence. And a little bit of love.
The worst thing about this is I would probably still come back to you in a heartbeat. I hate myself for being so easy with you. I hate how one little things can drive me up a hill. I hate how I have to think about you every god damn second.
People like you have a problem. You can't just up and leave without a reason. But hey I'm not one to talk. I'm trying not to think of you. I'll think of you less and less with everyday that goes by, but in the meanwhile I'll replace the thought of you with another. Someone more deserving.
You are cruel. You knew I was head over heals for you, but yet you left without a word. It's easy to leave. And I refuse to make excuses for you anymore. You need to grow the fuck up.
This isn't a game of hide and seek. You don't get to hide anymore. I don't want to seek anymore. I don't want to find you. Instead I'll be in search of myself. We don't get to play this out. You're 18. Don't you think you're a little old for these childish games?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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