7. @cloud9_forever & @dream_craziness

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Our thirteenth brave post by cloud9_forever

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Our thirteenth brave post by cloud9_forever

When we were young, most of us were afraid of the dark. A dark room meant boogeyman, it meant monsters and terrifying creatures that inhabited our rooms. Our hope was light. During power cuts, we light a candle to drive away the dark.But now, imagine living in a world with no light. Living in a world with no light is like living in world devoid of hope. A ray of light is happiness but if we have no ray of light, it's just plain and sad. There is not much you can do without light, if not all.The world hasn't come to that yet! We're living in a world where the light is dim, but it's not completely extinguished.It is up on us to keep this light burning, and we should not, we will not give up, we will not stop trying. We are one and unafraid!Tragic times do strike but it is up to us to overcome it as one community, one family, and help spread love and hope.

Thank you,


Our fourteenth brave post by dream_craziness

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Our fourteenth brave post by dream_craziness

Rose-colored Glasses

In times of sorrow and sadness to help mend our broken hearts we become nostalgic. Rummaging through old photo boxes, reminiscing on the memories made at this event, on that vacation, during that special time in one's life. It eases the heartache to think back on happier times. To put on our rose-colored glasses and remember all the good times we had.

But, every day there is sorrow and sadness in the world. Everyday, someone reaches for their rose-colored glasses to ease their pain and suffering. We can't ignore the horrible events in the world, but at the same time, we don't need more hatred in the world - it'll only lead to more pain and suffering.

Have you ever walked down the street, stood in line at the store, or waiting on the platform for the subway - and not made eye contact or spoken to the person next to you? Why not?

I challenge you to reach for your rose-colored glasses, thinking back to all the good times you've had in your life, seeing the world as a loving, beautiful place; and make eye contact with the person sitting next to you on the bus, or standing behind you at check out. Make eye contact and smile, or even say 'Hi'. The littlest gestures in the world are usually what means the most. A simple smile could be just what the other person needed to get through the day. A little 'Hi' could be all the words of encouragement they need to face their struggles in life.

Little by little, day by day, we can fill the world with love and kindness once more.  

Thank you cloud9forever and dream_craziness!

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Thank you cloud9forever and dream_craziness!

We are all one when we live from the heart.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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