Chendy part 2 (Chelia X Wendy)

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Requested By: One_Queen_Shot   &   RileySabre17

Sorry for the wait.

~Wendy's P.O.V~

It was Friday and Chelia and I had another date tomorrow. We are both a little nervous about telling everyone that we were dating since we were both girls so we dated in secret. Only Carla knew about it because I was never good at hiding things from her.

"You know it'll just make you more anxious if you don't tell them. They're your friends, I'm sure they'll be accepting." Carla told me as I started to head out of the guild. The sun had just set and it made the sky a pretty mixture of the red from sunset and the dark purple of the night settling in. I just shyly looked at my toes as I walked for a response.

The next morning I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 6:35 am
I don't know why but I've always had a habit of waking up fairly early. Carla was still asleep beside me so I sat up and looked out the window at the hills, it was really pretty in the morning.

I got out of bed and splashed a little water on my face to fully wake up before I went to get dressed. The date I had with Chelia was a breakfast date and we had agreed to meet up at 8:15 am. I dressed in a nice pale red, almost pink, blouse that stretched down to my thighs and black leggings, putting my hair up in the normal pigtails with pink ribbons.

I guess I was being too loud as I neatly folded my purple pajamas with a darker purple flower pattern because I Carla woke up.

"Good morning Wendy." She yawned as she pulled the blanket off her and looked at me sleepily.

"Oh, good morning Carla, sorry if I woke you." I apolagized just in case and turned to face her.

"No worry child." She smiled and got out of bed.

"I'm assuming you're going to stop by the guild before heading off for your date?" She asked and trotted over to me and I nodded.

She smiled and we chatted a little before heading out. On the way to the guild, I bumped into Erza.

"Good morning Erza." I smiled sweetly at her and she smiled back.

"Good morning Wendy. Would you like to walk together?" She asked and I nodded as we headed off. On the way, Erza asked if I would like to go on a job which I had to decline and when she asked why I almost froze.

"Uh...I...I'm..." I paused and looked at Carla for help but she just whispered

"Just tell her."

I sighed and looked at Erza, she seemed to be calm and collected all the time so I should be able to tell her.

"I'm going on a breakfast date..." I muttered shyly, half hoping she didn't hear but when she paused and looked at me shocked I knew she did.

"Oh Wendy! That's wonderful. I'm so happy for you!" She cheered a little, it was lucky we were at the part of the hills that nobody was in the radius.

"Thank's Erza..." I smiled as my cheeks flushed a little at her congragulations.
She then stopped.

"Wait...WHO?!" She almost shouted and I hesitated.

"Uhm...Chelia..." It took all my strength not to stutter. I swear Erza almost exploded but she seemed so happy for me which I was thankful for.

"I've just been too shy to tell anyone else..." I twiddled my thumbs.

"Trust me they'd be happy for you. Nobody in the guild is homophobic, that's for sure." Erza said refering to the obvious same gender crushes that are a little too obvious.

"That is exactly what I said." Carla chimed in. Erza chuckled and patted my back. "Well, I'm happy for you." She smiled before gently motioning her head for us to keep moving.

~Chelia's P.O.V~

I quickly walked by a mirror to check and slightly fix my hair before I headed out of the house to the breakfast date I had arranged with Wendy.

Ever since out confessions, I couldn't get enough of her. She was just so cute! So small and shy but still bold and powerful, she was so perfect.

After a while, I arrived at the cafe we agreed on, perfect timing too as I saw Wendy approaching.

"Hey Chelia!" She waved cheerily at me with a smile so sweet I swear my heart almost turned into candy.

"Hey Wendy!" I called back as we walked over to eachother and hugged. I was just tall enough that I could lift my chin and rest it on her head.

I felt her gently nuzzle my collar bone before we broke the hug and headed into the Cafe. She got a bunch of little sweets and I just got two ice creams.

She told me how she was thinking about coming out to tell everyone since she already told Erza.

I nodded slowly while eating my ice cream and agreed. I also already told my cousin, I figured she deserved to know, since she's my cousin and all. We agreed to tell everyone after the breakfast date and tell eachother how it went the next date we would go to since we tend to go on dates atleast once a week.

~Wendy's P.O.V~

As I headed back to the guild, I noticed that the members were a little excited. I was nervous to tell them but I should take Erza and Carla's word for it. They'll accept me.

As soon as I set foot into the guild I got swarmed by all my friends, they all seemed excited and I couldn't hear any of the words they were saying as they talked over eachother.

"Woah, woah. Slow down!" I stammered. "I can't hear you."

They all stopped and Lucy spoke up. "Congratulations on getting a girlfriend!" She almost shouted and everyone else around cheered and my face went beetroot red.

"W-what? How'd you know?" I shyly stuttered.

"Im bad at keeping secrets." Erza said from behind Lucy. I chuckled a little.

"Personally, I called it from the start." Lucy said proudly with a playful smile. I laughed and since this guild found any reason to party, we had a party for me coming out to everyone and getting a girlfriend. I'll admit it was one fun party.

A/N: Sorry that was so short and it took so long to get out. I kept getting busy. I run 3 wattpad accounts....yeah....Requests are still open, feel free to comment!

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