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I happened on something really absurd.

And when I say absurd, I meant to the point that's out of this world. Currently, I'm stuck in a junkyard with disgustingly ill-smelled, puke-worthy trash.

And wait, wait, wait... why does this scene seems so awfully familiar to me? I feel so deja vu right now... like hell! I never went dumpster diving and never will!

So why am I here in this pile of junk you ask?

It was a peaceful day in Akihabara where I was shopping for the great anime stuff that I want, but not allowed to buy, yet buys anyways because my mom can't get a leash on me for what I do. That day was perfect, the weather was partly cloudy as I could adapt to the lighting change from the room whose bulbs were always shut to the outside world. Though the quaint walkways were always filled, making me slightly claustrophobic to a certain degree of uncomfortableness, but this is what makes Akihabara the city that is today. This is the place for fellow otakus to gather in conventions, talk about their waifus and husbandos, and make a conversation in the language of weebs that only weeaboos will understand; it was peaceful...

...until the Fire Nation attacked.

Okay, I was joking; this isn't an Avatar fan-fiction I swear. Did I just break the fourth wall? Just pretend I said nothing.

So what really happened was all the electricity went out in the entire district which I coincidentally was in. It was sunny a few minutes ago, but unfortunately Mother Nature took a dump and thought deeply to herself that today is the day that she shall launch a hurricane into city with such force that I will assume she farted. Thin droplets begin to sink from the ominous nimbostratus clouds. For Ducks sake, I'm in a DVD store trying to experience my childhood memories once again with the taste of anime, yet here the electricity just cut off the moment I touched the DVD that I finally thought I had after relying on some steps. Everyone in my family is tall, I question if I even have the same DNA sometimes...

Many section with endless rows of anime that would take more than a few years to watch seems like heaven, no, it is heaven, but not until that person in the same store decides to panic.

The TV beside me decides to randomly open during a power shortage which may create a whole 'nother series of ghost stories in Akihabara. People write those creepy stories down, many online readers read them, and I'm one of those readers who is a fan of the Akihabara's Unscientifical Non-explanationable Strange Cases.

As creepy as it is, I stepped on my tippy toes while mentally cursing at my depressingly short stature that even Levi Ackerman would look down on. But the widescreen was on the wall so I grabbed the stairs that I used to reach the DVD once again. Now, where is the power button so I can stop this Bloody-Mary-may-appear-on-screen crap? Least the TV gave some lighting or I'll never be able to find the button somewhere on the edges of the machine that was invented somewhere near the 1930s. I can barely see the outline of my hands... Anyways that television is creepy, Imma shut it.

At that moment when I found the power button so I can finally stop this freakiness...

Something. Cold. Touched. My. Wrist.

Don't freak out, maybe it's someone beside you that did a prank or something...

The. Cold. Thing. Wrapped. Around. My. Wrist.

I felt my teeth clattering even though it wasn't that freezing. I yelled at the hand's owner to stop this horseplay, but then I realized...

A. Cold. Hand. Came. Out. From. The. T. V.

It was surely enough to prove a point that this situation is not some normal daily grinding, it was something that I need to get away from. All my strength has been inputted through my hand as it has been evident that this tug-of-war was a one-sided victory.

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