A World So Small, Yet So Big

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 Tessa's POV

"I can't believe she's finally coming to see me, after all of these years..." I thought to myself, fixing a bowl of cereal. My cell phone rang, and as I looked down, I saw Livie's picture pop up. I picked up my phone, answering it and putting it on speaker so I could finish my cereal. " Hello! I'm at the airport now, where do you want to meet me?" I heard her voice through the phone, and I was glad to hear it again. " Remember that Cafe we used to hang out at? The Crystal Cafe? Why don't we meet up there?" I suggested, the memories of us at that place flooding into my brain. " Sure! I'll be there around eleven o'clock. Ok?" I hummed in response, my mouth full of cereal. " See you there then, Tessa! Bye!" She said, hanging up the phone before I could also say bye. " Hehe! She's always in a rush, isn't she?" I thought to myself. A few minutes later, I finished my bowl of cereal, so I got up and washed out my bowl. I then ran back upstairs, taking a quick shower. After I got changed, I did my hair up into a nice long ponytail, and brushed my teeth. I walked out of my bathroom, ran into my bedroom, and grabbed my backpack. My backpack had my journal and drawings in it, and I wanted to show her some of my writing and stuff. I sighed, grabbing my keys and leaving my house. I hopped onto my motorcycle, starting the engine, and with that, I headed to the Crystal Cafe. I popped my earbuds in at a stop light, putting on my favorite song, History Maker.

I drifted around corners, past stop lights, and zoomed past cars. I didn't want to be late, and thankfully, I got to the Cafe before Livie did. I parked my motorcycle, and walked into the enchanting looking Cafe. I found a nice little table by the window, so I sat down there, opening up the menu and looking at all the good foods this place had to offer. I saw a waiter and waved her over. She was wearing a cute little maids dress, with hints of blue in it, making it look different than all of the other maid dress that the other workers were wearing. She had stunning blue eyes, and long galaxy looking hair, made into a messy ponytail. " Hi, I'm Stormy and I will be your waiter today! What would you like, anything to drink?" I looked back down at my menu, seeing the different drink choices, seeing a chocolate mocha coffee at the bottom. " I would like the Chocolate Mocha, please!" I said, a smile plastered on my face. " Anything else? I'm not trying to market anything here or make you buy anything you don't want to, but I suggest you try the chocolate cookies with that drink! It makes for a very delicious treat with that combination!" Stormy inquired, pointing to the cookies on the menu. " Oh~ That does sound yummy! May I get two big cookies then, please?" I questioned, She smiled, nodding her head. " That'll be $4.50 for whenever you're done!" Stormy said, running off into what looked like the kitchen area. " Hehe! What a nice girl!" I said to myself. The bell on the door to the Cafe rang, and when I looked at who was walking into the Cafe, I felt tears brim my eyes. I held them back as I scrambled to my feet, running over to Livie. " LIVIE!!" I slightly screamed, earning me a few stares from the others in the Cafe. " Long time no see, Tessa! Come on, let's go sit down." She inquired. I nodded, heading back to my table with her trailing behind me. As we sat down, I saw Stormy making her way towards our table, with the things I ordered in her hand. " Here you go!" Stormy said, handing me what I ordered. " Thank you! Here's the money for the food!" I said, sneaking an extra $2.00 as a tip into her hand along with the money I owed her for the food. As Stormy was walking away, I could see that her arm had a small scar..."Weird..." I thought.

As the day dragged on, Livie and I hung out until sunset, catching up on each other. I showed her my writing I've been doing, and she was so happy to see that I've successfully almost finished a book I've been making for a few months. " So, you know, I've been thinking...." Livie started. She put her hand behind her neck, starting to rub it. She always does that when she's nervous...I wonder what's wrong. I thought. " Can I attend college with you? I've recently finished my time at home, and since I was finally getting a chance to move away from my parents as an adult, I wanted to come here, you know, to be closer to you." She stared at me, worry clear across her face. I ruffled her hair, smiling down at my best friend.

" Duh!! I would love for you to come to my college! My second semester starts in August, and your first semester should start a day or two after. I'd be happy for you to stay up here! I've missed you a lot since you moved up state near middle of my senior year of highschool." I said, joy lacing my voice.

She hugged, and I accepted her embrace. " Thank you." She whispered. I laughed, breaking the embrace and standing up from my spot on the hill. " I've got to head home. You want to stay at my place? You know, instead of having to pay for a hotel?" I asked. She nodded her head. I lead her to my motorcycle, her hands wrapping around my waist as she hopped onto the seat behind me. " Let's go home. I smiled back at her.

So was it good? More stories coming soon! Ahem, BillDip Oneshots, Ahem. Lol! Please vote, and comment! Maybe share it if you'd like idk. Thxs!!!

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