A New Friend Made

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Tessa's POV

After the night she stayed at my place, Livie left to go do some things. She had mentioned looking for a house, so I let her go do it by herself. I had other stuff to do anyway.

I needed to go and buy some clothes, since I was growing. Hopping onto my motorcycle, I left my house. Hours passed, and after all of the shopping I had done, I was famished. I decided to go back to that cafe place I went to yesterday because they had really good looking stuff there. That, and I wanted to see if Stormy was there again. We don't really know each other, I know, but I just, she was so nice and I just had the small urge to see her. So with that, I hopped into my car, ( I had to take it because I was shopping), and headed towards the cafe. Turning up the radio to listen to some music, I looked around at the scenery in front of me. Even though I was near the middle of town, I could see trees and plants and bushes everywhere. The sun was at it's peak, blazing the world with it's heat and lighting the way for everyone.

I turned into the parking spaces provided for the store a couple ways down from the cafe. I wanted to walk the extra block, because it was a nice day. As I was walking, I turned on my phone to see several unread messages from my friends Livie and Sapphire. ' Heh, Livie is just having a blast around here, huh?' Livie sent pictures of herself at a store full of dresses and stuff. I guess she was out buying crap for school to. Looking over my other messages, I tapped on Sapphires message to see what she wanted.

12:09- SapphireDaCat- Hey!! Long time no chat, huh? If you've got time today, I need some help. I heard Livie had finally come to see you, and I was hoping if you can keep this a secret between you and me.She doesn't know I live in the town next to yours, so after you're done with everything you've got to do today, could you come pick me up today? I've got a present for her, and I wanted to surprise her as well.

" Now that I think about, we haven't had a group party between us three in forever!! I guess I could come pick her up after my lunch." I said aloud to myself.

12:17- TessaDaDragon- Hey, I could definitely come get you! I've got to eat something real quick, and then I'll be on my way. It'll take about an hour to come get you and bring you back here, so by then she won't be home. She said she'd be taking a long time today to grab school stuff for the University and grab some new outfits. I can't wait to see you again!

I hit send on my phone, and powered it off. As I was getting closer to the cafe, I was suddenly knocked down by something. I fell to the ground, scraping my elbow and landing on my butt. I groaned as I looked at the damage, and then looked up to the person who came bolting out of the alley way I was passing. " Hey! What the crap, dude? Learn to look where you're going next ti-.." I stopped myself as I saw Stormy hyperventilating, leaning on the side of a building. She glanced towards me and instantly dropped to the floor to help me up. " Omg, I'm so so so sorry ma'am. I'm so sorry-" She looked into my eyes, and her eyes filled to the brim with tears as she shook violently. " S-sorry for staring..." She sounded broken. She sounded scared...She sounded afraid. " What's wrong? Do you need help?" She tried to ignore me, averting her eyes and bringing me up off of the ground along with herself. " I have to go, again, I greatly apologize." She averted her gaze towards the ground, turning on her heel to start running off again before a group of fancy men and women came up to her. "So this is where you ran off to.

Now child, if you would stop running-" The man with a blue fancy vest and gold chains around his neck piped up, " Just beat her already! She's not worth the whole day. She shouldn't live." My eyes widened as I looked towards Stormy again. " What did she do?" I piped up, stepping next to Stormy. " What did she do? Hah! What did she do?! Hah hah hah!!!" The women with blonde hair and a pink spring dress snorted, laughing like a jerk. Like a bully. " She's against the ways of normal people. She's not human. Honey, she's Gay. She's a demon, and she needs to go." The man who was next to her, a guy with a hoodie, ( He kinda looked like a jock), pulled out a switchblade from his pocket. " Let's get this over with! I have a date here, and a bed at home, thanks." He pushed past everyone, walking straight towards Stormy. " Any last words, you piece of shit?" He asked, grabbing her chin and making her look up from the ground. Her body was racking with sobs, her cheeks wet with tears, and her eyes showing signs of fear and anger. " I-if- sniff- If I can't- sniff- live like a normal person, then you can't either." She suddenly stood a little taller, and a small smirk started tugging at her lips. " And why's that, you cunt?" He questioned, pressing the blade up against her throat. I was paralyzed, confused, dizzy, and blinded by rage. " Because you aren't someone worthy of good fortune. You walk around like you own the place, but you don't. You think I'm a demon because I'm gay, but you're wrong. People were born as complete equals on this planet, yet complete opposites. You seem to know what you're saying, but you don't. You're blinded by the darkness, and you know what, I pity you. You're worthless, if you can't keep opinions like this to yourself." I snapped my dazed ass out of it as I heard Stormy yelp in surprise. The jock made a thin line of blood appear on Stormy's neck, and with that, my rage took over. I snatched the knife away before the jerk could plunge it deeper, repulsed by the outrages act of injustice shown by this group. " You think you could get away with such disgusting crap? Well, you can't. Thankfully, I'm feeling nice today. If you don't get your pathetic asses out of here now, I'll call the police for an attempted murder." I smirked as they ran like babies. Sighing, I looked over to the now awestruck Stormy. " T-thank you, Tessa." She said, hugging me. " Heh," I smiled, patting her back lightly before releasing, " You actually remember me from me from yesterday." She giggled a little, blushing lightly as I held out my hand. " Though I will say, I haven't properly introduced myself. The name's Tessa. Bad Ass extraordinaire!" She grasped my hand in hers, shaking it firmly as she stood tall and smiled. " The name's Stormy, your average nerd. Nice to make a new friend."

I think this would be the start of a new friendship. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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