Child titan speaks

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We're on an expedition in the outer walls scouting around for any titans in our backs.

"Cadets fall back! Twelve meter titan approaching!" Our Captian yelled as Mikasa took a chance to do it in fast speed to cut the nape.

"Alright Mikasa! "I cheered.

"That's 12 kills in one day and it's really approving very well." Reiner comments.

"Yeah, and in no doubt the titans will be gone for sure since we got back up and recruits to-" Jean was cut off with electricity came out of the sky as we look to see Eren was not in his titan form.

" are you not transforming when there's...." I was shocked to even think that their was another titan shifter.

"Is it like Annie I suppose? She did had the ability to out did Eren." Connie teased.

"Sasha will you do me a favor and hit Connies head for me?" Jean asked.

Sasha hits Connies ballhead.

"Thanks. "Jean thanked her.

"No problem." She said couragesly.

We suddenly heard footsteps of a titan coming our way.

"I'll kill this titan shifter that might be betraying humanity's life!" Eren yelled and bit his thumb to transform into a titan.


I woke up to find myself sleeping against the tree as I sat up and took a couple of steps and held onto the tree bark to help me stand. When I was finally able to stand up straight I heard loud footsteps that seemed to be an abnormal titan running through the forest. When the abnormal came out to be muscular to my surprised I look at him curiously. Which it made me realize that I seemed to have grown some! Am I a titan!?


When I ran through the forest in my titan form I came face to face with a short titan just staring at me curiously. Even though I can't talk I still try to communicate the best way I can.

"What? Are you trying to kill me?" The short titan asked making my eyes widen.

'It' I thought.

"Hey!" She called me in a child voice.

"Eren!" I heard Armin yell my name as I kinda held the small titan in my arms in a protective stage way.

"Oi now Eren, what have you got there?" Aurou asked.

"What do you have in your arms? Is it something that belong to-" I cut off Hanji to reveal the kid."Eeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" She squeal as I held the kid closer.

"Great, we got ourselves another titan shifter." Eld sighed to regret Hanji for experimenting another shifter like me.

"Who are you?" The child shifter asked them as their eyes widen.

"We're the scout regiment and who might you be?" Commander asked her.

"My name's  (Y/ N) and I do live in the forest and didn't know I can transform into a titan." She said.

"Well it's very pleased to meet you! You just became a titan today? "Armin asked her questioningly.

"Yes and who's he?" She asked staring at me.

"That's Seen and he's like you." Mikasa says as (Y/ N) looked at me with her (eye color orbs).

"I see, and his smile looks funny." (Y/N) grabs my face with her small hands tracing my smile.

"We're heading back to base and bring  (y/n) with us." Erwin comanded.

I stood up to walk back to base with the other scouts and I felt (y/n) pat my leg to get my attention.

"Will it be alright when we get a chance to know each other we could be friends?" She asked.

I gave her a slight nod as she jumps super high face to face at me making me wide eyes.

"Yay I can't wait!" She squealed as I held her tighter that I felt memories of mom and I sharing a bond.

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