a dream a reality

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In this story, in high school, they are seniors. And this is the graduation ceremony.


"Are you excited??" I said to Alex in a whisper. We weren't allowed to talk aloud.

"Uh duuuuuuhhh!" He said back.

"Shhhh" the teacher standing next to us said

I absolutely love graduation. They got me into my graduation suit which was blue. I think Gigi was pissed because she didn't want to leave high school because she knew she wouldn't be popular outside of school. But I knew Alex was excited


I kept remembering my dream about me and Lauren getting married and having a great life. I want to make my dream a reality.

We got up onto the thing to except our diploma.

Authors note: I'm sorry, I don't know much about graduation, I'm only 10!!

Principal: Alex Burris

I went up to except my diploma. Everyone cheered! Especially my mom in the third row.

Principal:Lauren riihimaki

I saw Lauren go up and except her diploma. She smiled her pretty smile and walked away.

Two years later


It's been two years since I've seen Lauren. After high school, she moved to Florida. I miss her. But we have been texting, calling, and facetiming. It's a long distance relationship. It's been working out well. But today she's visiting California!!! I have a plan. I want to make my dream a reality. I won't give up.


I packed my bags to go to California. Alex texted me and said he had a surprise for me!!
I texted Alex that I was on the plane. I looked out the plane window thinking about what the surprise was. Was it a puppy? Was it a kid? I didn't know!

Next thing I knew the plane landed in California. I was the first one off the plane and in the airport. I looked around to see Alex standing right behind me.

Lauren: ALEX!!!

I gave him a big hug and he spinned me in the air.

He called an uber and we got to his apartment.


I know what to do. It's happening today.


Lauren:so uh, whats the surprise???

Aaron: recording!


I was cut off by alex getting down on one knee and pulling out a huge diamond ring!


Alex:will you marry me? I know it's sudden but-

Lauren:yeeahhhhh! Of course!!!

Aaron: awwwwwww!!!!

how it all happened COMPLETED ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz